Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

How to Report Magnitudes for Possible Publication on IAUCs

Comet magnitudes should be contributed as they appear on the ICQ/CBAT "Recent Comet Magnitudes" web page. Of course, if one can access the printed IAUCs (or the (web version), one can look at actual published samples of both comet and variable-star photometry.

In general, each observation should be given on only one line, the information being:

Month, Date in UT (to decimals of a day, not hours/minutes),
magnitude estimate, and the observer and observer's location
in parentheses (followed by the instrument aperture and type
in cm or m, FOR COMETS ONLY).
Of course, each individual object should be headed by a title stating the object's designation and name, as given on the IAUCs. Within each object's listings, each one-line observation should be given in chronological order (from oldest down to most recent). Photoelectric photometry should be stated as CCD (with filter used or unfiltered noted). Examples are given below:

V1494 AQUILAE = NOVA AQUILAE 1999 No.\ 2
     Visual magnitude estimates:
Dec. 4.438 UT, 4.6 (R. Qi, Beijing, China);
4.686, 4.4 (M. Reszelski, Szamortuly, Poland)
5.684, 5.0 (B. Sip\H ocz, Fert\H oszentmikl\'os, Hungary);
5.717, 5.1 (S. Foglia, Milan, Italy);

     CCD magnitude estimates, unfiltered unless otherwise noted:
1998 June 29.930 UT, V = 15.46 ± 0.1 (D. Han\v zl, Brno, Czech Republic);
Nov. 20.132 UT, V = 18.5 (L. Kiss and K. S\'arneczky, Piszk\'estet\H o,
 Konkoly Observatory, Hungary; uncertainty due to the galaxy background
 about 0.3 mag).

Please read this to see how to represent non-standard characters.

Please send all magnitude information directly to the Editor at dgreen@cfa.harvard.edu.

Some items submitted for publication in the IAUCs are assessed line charges. Here is a description of which items are subject to line charges and the current line-charge rates.

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