Electronic Telegram No. 2245 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION CBAT Director: Daniel W. E. Green; Room 209; Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Harvard University; 20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA 02138; U.S.A. e-mail: cbat@iau.org; cbatiau@eps.harvard.edu URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html SUPERNOVA 2010br IN NGC 4051 Vitali Nevski, Vitebsk, Belarus, reports the discovery of a possible supernova (mag approximately 17.7) on ten unfiltered 180-s CCD images (limiting mag 20.0) taken on Apr. 10.88 UT with a 0.3-m reflector + CCD. The new object, which appeared at mag approximately 17.5 on Apr. 11.81, is located at R.A. = 12h03m10s.95, Decl. +44o31'43".1 (equinox 2000.0), which is about 19".5 east and 10" south of the center of the galaxy NGC 4051. Nothing is visible at this position on a Palomar Sky Survey red plate obtained on 1996 Mar. 17 or a blue plate obtained on 1990 Jan. 29 (via the Digitized Sky Survey; limiting mag 21.5). The discovery images are posted at the following website URLs: http://tinyurl.com/y2f8mwv and http://tinyurl.com/y5h3rfb. Following posting on the Central Bureau's unconfirmed-objects webpage, A. Maksym (Terskol, Russia) writes that he imaged 2010br with a 0.6-m reflector on Apr. 11.819, yielding magnitude R = 17.9 and position end figures 10s.90, 43".3 (UCAC2 catalogue). Maksym has posted his image at URL http://tinyurl.com/y83bq2s. Also, L. Elenin (Lyubertsy, Russia) and M. Schwartz (Rio Rico, Arizona, USA) report that 2010br appears at mag R = 17.1 and V = 17.7 on a CCD image obtained on Apr. 13.435 by Schwartz with a 0.81-m telescope at the Tenagra II Observatory and measured by Elenin, who provides position end figures 10s.93, 43".6; 2010btr is not visible on Digitized Sky Survey images (no dates, bandpasses, or limiting magnitudes provided). A. J. Maxwell, M. L. Graham, A. Parker, S. Sadavoy, and C. J. Pritchet, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria; E. Y. Hsiao, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory; and D. D. Balam, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, National Research Council of Canada, report that a noisy spectrogram (range 390-703 nm, resolution 0.3 nm) of 2010br, obtained on Apr. 14.25 with the 1.82-m Plaskett Telescope of the National Research Council of Canada, shows the spectrum to be similar to that of a type-Ib/c supernova. Comparison with a library of supernova spectra using the "superfit" matching program of Howell et al. (2005, Ap.J. 634, 1190) indicates that 2010br is similar to the type-Ib/c supernova 1987K. Balam reports that his CCD image taken on Apr. 15.21 yields position end figures 10s.96, 42".8 (offset 14".3 east, 9".7 south of the core of NGC 4051) and magnitude R = 18.3 +/- 0.1. NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars. (C) Copyright 2010 CBAT 2010 April 16 (CBET 2245) Michael Rudenko