Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2206: 1970a; 1970b

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2206
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1970 UT             R.A. (1950) Decl.       Mag.   Observer
     Jan. 27.86979   18 58 54.41   + 5 51 02.9    8     Honda
          28.85104   19 03 16.69   + 5 09 20.1    8.2   Seki
          28.85694   19 03 18.21   + 5 09 04.6            "
          28.86042   19 03 19.38   + 5 08 52.7            "
     Feb.  2.84936   19 29 10.54   + 0 53 06.1    6     Tomita
           2.85006   19 29 10.63   + 0 53 03.8            "
           2.85074   19 29 11.01   + 0 53 00.1            "
           4.21286   19 37 34.77   - 0 31 44.0    7     Milet
           4.21804   19 37 36.84   - 0 32 04.6            "

M. Honda (Kurashiki Observatory).  Measurer: H. Kosai.  Communicated
   by H. Hirose, Tokyo.  Comet diffuse with condensation.
T. Seki (Kochi Observatory).  Tail 20' long in p.a. 330o.
K. Tomita (Tokyo Astronomical Observatory).  Communicated by
   H. Hirose.  Comet diffuse with condensation, tail < 1o.
B. Milet (Nice Observatory).  Diffuse with condensation, tail < 1o.

     An observation by M. Mattei, Harvard, Massachusetts, on
February 5.44 gives a magnitude of 5.5 (7 x 50 binoculars).

     The elements below, by the undersigned, are based on the
Japanese observations of January 28 and February 2 and Milet's
observations of February 4, no residual being larger than 3".  The
orbit is rather similar to that of comet 1577.  In the ephemeris
the column headed psi gives the elongation from the sun.

     T = 1970 Feb. 15.806 ET          Peri. = 266.687
                                      Node  =  29.996   1950.0
     q = 0.06574 AU                   Incl. = 100.126

1970 TT     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r     psi   Mag.
Feb.  6.0  19 49.81    - 2 35.5    1.057    0.448   25.0   5.1
      6.5  19 53.52    - 3 12.9
      7.0  19 57.37    - 3 51.4    1.036    0.414   23.4   4.7
      7.5  20 01.38    - 4 31.4
      8.0  20 05.55    - 5 12.8    1.016    0.378   21.7   4.3
      8.5  20 09.91    - 5 55.7
      9.0  20 14.48    - 6 40.1    0.997    0.342   19.8   3.8
      9.5  20 19.26    - 7 26.1
     10.0  20 24.29    - 8 13.6    0.980    0.303   17.7   3.3
     10.5  20 29.60    - 9 02.8
     11.0  20 35.22    - 9 53.5    0.965    0.263   15.4   2.6
     11.5  20 41.20    -10 45.8
     12.0  20 47.58    -11 39.5    0.952    0.221   12.9   1.8
     12.5  20 54.44    -12 34.3
     13.0  21 01.87    -13 29.7    0.944    0.176   10.2  +0.8
     13.5  21 10.00    -14 24.8
     14.0  21 18.98    -15 17.8    0.942    0.130    7.2  -0.5
     14.5  21 29.04    -16 04.8
     15.0  21 40.39    -16 37.5    0.953    0.084    4.5  -2.3
     15.5  21 52.84    -16 38.5
     16.0  22 04.81    -15 47.3    0.986    0.067    3.9  -3.3
     16.5  22 14.08    -14 13.3
     17.0  22 20.58    -12 26.5    1.030    0.101    5.2  -1.4
     17.5  22 25.27    -10 42.3
     18.0  22 28.89    - 9 04.5    1.068    0.148    6.9  +0.3
     18.5  22 31.82    - 7 33.3
     19.0  22 34.29    - 6 08.2    1.102    0.194    8.7   1.6
     19.5  22 36.43    - 4 48.4
     20.0  22 38.34    - 3 33.3    1.132    0.238   10.3   2.5

                   Mag. = 8.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

     The following table gives the offsets dR.A. and dDelta of the
comet from the sun.  The comet will pass about 10' northwest of
Venus on Feb. 17.27 UT.

  Feb.   dR.A. dDecl.    Feb.   dR.A. dDecl.   Feb.   dR.A.  dDecl.
  13.0   -41m8  + 10'    15.5   - 0.6  -230    18.0   +25.7   +173
  13.5   -35.6  - 55     16.0   + 9.4  -189    18.5   +26.8   +253
  14.0   -28.6  -118     16.5   +16.7  -105    19.0   +27.3   +328
  14.5   -20.5  -175     17.0   +21.3  -  9    19.5   +27.5   +397
  15.0   -11.1  -218     17.5   +24.0  + 85    20.0   +27.5   +461

     Dr. Elizabeth Roemer, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, telegraphs
that she has recovered this comet using the Steward Observatory's
229-cm reflector at Kitt Peak.  The comet is of stellar appearance.
The position and magnitude are in close agreement with the
prediction on IAUC 2185.

     1970 UT             R.A. (1950) Decl.       Mag.
     Feb.  3.48657   13 28.0       +24 39        19

1970 February 6                (2206)              Brian G. Marsden

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