Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2217: 1969i; 1969b

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2217
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     Mr. Z. M. Pereyra sends the following precise positions,
measured by Miss B. Oviedo from plates exposed by him with the 33-cm
astrograph of the Cordoba Observatory for the Comision Nacional de
Estudios Geo-Heliofisicos, Argentina.  Computer: J. J. Rodriguez.

     1970 UT             R.A. (1950) Decl.
     Feb.  2.04251   23 23 57.04   -57 53 42.5
           2.04320   23 23 56.93   -57 53 40.9
           2.04389   23 23 56.87   -57 53 40.2
           4.02581   23 20 20.47   -57 19 04.5
           4.02650   23 20 20.38   -57 19 03.8
           4.02720   23 20 20.31   -57 19 02.7
           8.02303   23 13 13.18   -56 05 57.5
           8.02373   23 13 13.01   -56 05 57.0
           8.02442   23 13 12.98   -56 05 55.5
           9.02095   23 11 27.21   -55 46 50.1
           9.02164   23 11 27.26   -55 46 49.3
           9.02234   23 11 27.13   -55 46 47.7
          10.01123   23 09 42.22   -55 27 29.6
          10.01192   23 09 42.24   -55 27 28.8
          10.01262   23 09 42.15   -55 27 28.3
          11.00428   23 07 56.69   -55 07 37.1
          11.00498   23 07 56.70   -55 07 36.5
          11.00567   23 07 56.67   -55 07 35.8
          12.01400   23 06 09.00   -54 46 55.5
          12.01470   23 06 08.97   -54 46 54.1
          12.01539   23 06 08.87   -54 46 53.3

     Dr. J. M. Mohr, Charles University Astronomical Institute,
sends the following observations by A. Mrkos, Klet Observatory:

     1969/70 UT          R.A. (1950) Decl.
     Nov. 29.77082   18 19 46.21   +27 58 31.2
     Jan.  6.70414   19 04 08.30   +35 28 05.2
           7.70141   19 05 43.11   +35 47 11.2
          11.73981   19 12 23.71   +37 09 03.7
          14.71393   19 17 37.88   +38 14 21.1

1970 February 26               (2217)              Brian G. Marsden

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