Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 2219: 1969i

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2219
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The following elements, by the undersigned, are based on 68
observations December 30 to February 12, none of them giving a
residual larger than 2".  The departure from parabolic motion seems
to be significant.  The ephemeris could be in error by several
minutes of arc in late March and early April

       T = 1970 Mar. 20.0394 ET  Peri. = 354.1647
       e =   0.996000            Node  = 223.9486  1950.0
       q =   0.537496 AU         Incl. =  90.0323

     1970 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     Feb. 28    22 35.39    -47 05.3
     Mar.  5    22 24.90    -42 54.1    1.007   0.640    3.1
          10    22 15.00    -36 56.4

          11    22 13.22    -35 27.8    0.883   0.577    2.3
          12    22 11.54    -33 52.5
          13    22 09.98    -32 10.2    0.843   0.562    2.1
          14    22 08.56    -30 20.4
          15    22 07.29    -28 22.9    0.806   0.550    1.9
          16    22 06.19    -26 17.5
          17    22 05.29    -24 03.8    0.772   0.542    1.8
          18    22 04.59    -21 42.1
          19    22 04.10    -19 12.4    0.742   0.538    1.7
          20    22 03.86    -16 35.0
          21    22 03.85    -13 50.4    0.718   0.538    1.6
          22    22 04.10    -10 59.4
          23    22 04.61    - 8 02.9    0.700   0.542    1.6
          24    22 05.38    - 5 01.8
          25    22 06.41    - 1 57.5    0.691   0.550    1.6
          26    22 07.71    + 1 08.7
          27    22 09.27    + 4 15.4    0.689   0.561    1.7
          28    22 11.09    + 7 21.2
          29    22 13.15    +10 24.7    0.696   0.577    1.8
          30    22 15.45    +13 24.9
          31    22 17.98    +16 20.4    0.711   0.595    2.0
     Apr.  1    22 20.73    +19 10.5
           2    22 23.70    +21 54.4    0.732   0.615    2.2
           3    22 26.85    +24 31.6
           4    22 30.20    +27 01.7    0.760   0.639    2.5

1970 February 27               (2219)              Brian G. Marsden

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