Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits


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Read IAUC 2235  SEARCH Read IAUC 2237
IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2236
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     Mr. C. Kowal, Department of Astrophysics, California Institute
of Technology, has discovered another fast-moving object on plates
exposed with the 122-cm Palomar Schmidt.  The object is apparently
of stellar appearance.  The positions given below refer to the
beginnings and ends of the trails on the two 15-min exposures, but
the final one is uncertain on account of confusion with the image
of a galaxy.

     1970 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Mag.
     Jan. 31.27941     8 24 22.10   +17 10 02.2    15-16
          31.28983     8 24 18.90   +17 10 05.7
     Feb.  1.35210     8 18 48.00   +17 18 15.2
           1.36251     8 18 44.90   +17 18 17.5

     Dr. H. Debehogne, Royal Observatory, Uccle, communicates the
following precise positions of comets Whitaker-Thomas (1968 V) and
Honda (1968 VI), obtained with the 40-cm f/5 double astrograph.
Calculated by G. Roland.

     Comet     1968 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.
     1968 V    June 21.04429    15 19 28.68   +16 40 07.4

     1968 VI   Aug. 20.90447     4 20 27.16   +73 50 24.0
                    20.90689     4 20 24.34   +73 50 34.7
                    23.02263     3 53 42.25   +77 34 13.4
                    23.06624     3 52 56.80   +77 38 57.6
                    24.04551     3 32 09.35   +79 25 40.1
                    24.89804     3 06 09.78   +80 56 50.4
                    27.00615     0 58 59.85   +83 55 00.5
               Sept. 5.06434    18 35 52.07   +64 05 39.6
                     6.03408    18 30 08.82   +60 55 40.3
                     6.03507    18 30 08.06   +60 55 32.6
                    10.94286    18 13 46.56   +45 08 02.9
                    10.94424    18 13 45.93   +45 07 47.2
                    10.94528    18 13 45.93   +45 07 36.6
                    12.00003    18 11 47.29   +41 56 05.8

     Dr. N. A. Beljaev, Institute for Theoretical Astronomy, Leningrad,
communicates the following elements and ephemeris by E. A.
Vorob'ev, Ul'janovsk Polytechnic Institute; cf. IAUC 2131.

       T = 1970 Mar. 30.5348 ET   Epoch = 1970 Apr. 4.0 ET
   Peri. = 206.0495                   e =   0.385524
   Node  = 117.8236   1950.0          a =   3.58026 AU
   Incl. =  13.8877                   n =   0.1454899
       q =   2.19998 AU               P =   6.774 years

     1970 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r       Variation    Mag.
     May  14     0 12.63    - 6 55.6    2.684   2.223   -1.04  - 4.0   19.1
          24     0 31.46    - 5 44.8                    -1.04  - 4.3
     June  3     0 49.61    - 4 41.7    2.527   2.248   -1.04  - 4.6   19.0
          13     1 07.00    - 3 47.9                    -1.04  - 4.8
          23     1 23.49    - 3 05.0    2.360   2.281   -1.05  - 5.1   18.9
     July  3     1 38.94    - 2 34.1                    -1.06  - 5.4
          13     1 53.15    - 2 16.8    2.185   2.322   -1.08  - 5.8   18.8
          23     2 05.91    - 2 13.5                    -1.10  - 6.3
     Aug.  2     2 16.95    - 2 25.2    2.012   2.370   -1.13  - 6.8   18.8
          12     2 26.01    - 2 51.8                    -1.17  - 7.3
          22     2 32.79    - 3 33.0    1.850   2.424   -1.22  - 7.9   18.7
     Sept. 1     2 37.01    - 4 27.1                    -1.28  - 8.6
          11     2 38.48    - 5 31.2    1.721   2.483   -1.34  - 9.1   18.6
          21     2 37.15    - 6 40.6                    -1.40  - 9.6
     Oct.  1     2 33.20    - 7 49.0    1.650   2.546   -1.46  - 9.9   18.6
          11     2 27.11    - 8 48.9                    -1.49  - 9.9
          21     2 19.64    - 9 33.1    1.664   2.613   -1.50  - 9.6   18.8
          31     2 11.78    - 9 55.9                    -1.48  - 9.1
     Nov. 10     2 04.51    - 9 54.6    1.778   2.683   -1.43  - 8.4   19.0
          20     1 58.67    - 9 29.4                    -1.35  - 7.8
          30     1 54.80    - 8 43.1    1.986   2.755   -1.26  - 7.1   19.4
     Dec. 10     1 53.14    - 7 40.0                    -1.17  - 6.5
          20     1 53.72    - 6 23.8    2.263   2.829   -1.08  - 6.0   19.8
          30     1 56.40    - 4 58.6                    -1.00  - 5.6
     Jan.  9     2 00.97    - 3 27.6    2.586   2.904   -0.92  - 5.2   20.2
          19     2 07.19    - 1 53.2                    -0.85  - 4.8
          29     2 14.82    - 0 17.6    2.927   2.979   -0.79  - 4.5   20.6
     Feb.  8     2 23.66    + 1 17.6                    -0.74  - 4.2
          18     2 33.50    + 2 51.0    3.267   3.055   -0.70  - 3.9   20.9
          28     2 44.19    + 4 21.7                    -0.66  - 3.7

               Mag. = 13.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

1970 April 21                  (2236)              Brian G. Marsden

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