Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 2243: N Aql 1970; 1968g

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2243
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     Dr. Y. Kozai, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, reports the
following preliminary photoelectric results, obtained with a 91-cm
reflector at the Okayama station:

     1970 UT       V    B - V  U - B  Observer       Notes
     Apr. 15.80   7.4   +0.6   -0.1   H. Ohtani      through clouds
          21.76   7.44  +0.49  -0.37  K. Ichimira
          26.82   8.28                S. Nishiuura   through clouds
          28.82   8.41  +0.47  -0.56    "
          29.81   8.49  +0.41  -0.60    "

On April 15.79 UT T. Tsuji obtained a coude spectrogram of the blue
and violet regions with the 188-cm reflector at Okayama (f/4, 10 A/
mm).  The spectrum had the appearance of that of an A or F type
star.  The radial velocity from the absorption lines was about -600
km/s.  Emission lines were not yet strong.  At the Dodaira station,
prism spectrograms of the visual and photographic regions (60 A/mm
at H-gamma) were obtained on April 15.74 by K. Tonita and on April 16.79
by S. Kikuchi.  These two spectrograms were underexposed.  Emission
of H-alpha was strong, and H-beta, H-gamma, H-delta and some other faint
emissions were visible.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1969/70 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.        Observer
     Oct.  9.39123     8 32 55.8    +25 29 19      Ferguson
           9.42170     8 32 59.5    +25 29 15        "
     Mar. 29.84547    11 06 37.83   +28 45 53.5    Mrkos
          30.81968    11 06 10.31   +28 38 47.4      "
     Apr.  1.83229    11 05 18.30   +28 23 31.5      "
           3.82166    11 04 33.28   +28 01 31.7    Petrovicova
           5.84021    11 03 54.19   +27 50 34.3    Mrkos
           8.90626    11 03 07.85   +27 23 26.2    Petrovicova
          10.83581    11 02 47.09   +27 05 27.6      "

D. Ferguson, T. Griess, S. Kanagy and J. Levine (Warner and Swasey
  Observatory).  Burrell 61/91-cm Schmidt telescope.
A. Mrkos and R. Petrovicova (Klet Observatory).

1970 May 12                    (2243)              Brian G. Marsden

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