Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2273: 1969i; SAOC 160077

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2273
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The following precise positions have been reported.

     1970 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Mag.  Observer
     April 2.06304    22 23 52.16   +22  2 39.1          Cristescu
           2.12641    22 24  3.36   +22 12 52.4            "
           4.05066    22 30 20.09   +27  7 31.1          Bocsa
           4.10468    22 30 31.43   +27 15 24.3            "
           5.12223    22 34  0.45   +29 37 19.2          Ionescu
           5.12777    22 34  1.64   +29 38 15.6            "
     July 26.75799     4 39 22.54   +75  5 32.3    11    Seki
          26.77986     4 39 24.31   +75  5 43.1            "
          26.93236     4 39 34.06   +75  6 59.7          Mrkos
          27.96361     4 40 37.56   +75 16 24.1            "
          28.02440     4 40 40.88   +75 16 56.8            "
          28.65833     4 41 19.74   +75 22 46.8    11    Seki
          28.67153     4 41 19.85   +75 22 57.4            "
          28.90358     4 41 32.24   +75 25  3.7          Mrkos
          29.05253     4 41 40.61   +75 26 27.5            "

C. Cristescu, Gh. Bocsa, and V. Ionescu (Bucharest Observatory)
   Communicated by Ionescu.
T. Seki (Kochi Observatory)
A. Mrkos ( Klet Observatory)

SAOC 160077
     V. Vanysek, Astronomical Institute, Charles University, Prague,
reports that Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Catalog star no.
160077 is not in its catalog position on his plates or the Palomar
Atlas.  Mrs. K. Haramundanis, SAO, notes that the SAOC position is
taken from the Yale catalog.  On comparison with other catalogs
and the Palomar Atlas, it appears that the Yale and SAOC positions
are approximately 10' too far south in declination.

1970 August 19                 (2273)              Richard B. Southworth

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