Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3059: 1936 CA (ADONIS); 1975 VIII; 1975 II; Poss. COMET

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3059
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

1936 CA (ADONIS)
     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.       Mag.   Observer
     Feb. 24.20561    10 25 30.76   +11 31 15.2   18.5   Schuster
          24.22639    10 25 25.46   +11 31 36.2            "
          25.21258    10 21 45.42   +11 47 09.0   18.5     "
          26.24032    10 18 11.87   +12 01 56.5   18.5     "
          27.22512    10 15 02.02   +12 14 55.6   19.0     "
          28.26602    10 11 55.16   +12 27 25.4   19.0     "
     Mar. 13.14257     9 48 20.16   +13 52 45.4            "
          17.13911     9 44 53.63   +14 02 01.4          McCrosky
          18.20576     9 44 10.99   +14 03 41.9          Schwartz
          20.13436     9 43 07.84   +14 05 48.9          McCrosky
          22.16668     9 42 16.65   +14 06 59.9  ~20.5   Shao

H.-E. Schuster (European Southern Observatory).  Trail extremely
   faint on Mar. 13 but apparently genuine.  Measurer: R. M. West.
R. E. McCrosky, G. Schwartz and C.-Y. Shao (Harvard College Observatory).
   Mar. 18 image very weak and poor.  Measurer: Shao.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Observer
     Sept.25.23937     0 19 00.84   -22 06 08.5    Schwartz
     Nov. 14.65280    23 48 15.84   -18 14 21.1    Candy

G. Schwartz (Harvard Observatory).  Measurer: J. H. Bulger.
M. P. Candy (Perth Observatory).  33-cm astrograph.

     Ephemeris from the orbital elements on IAUC 3035:

     1977 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     May  17     0 58.71    + 2 38.3    7.174   6.447   19.4
          27     1 02.73    + 3 26.1
     June  6     1 06.17    + 4 10.0    7.068   6.587   19.4
          16     1 08.97    + 4 49.9
          26     1 11.03    + 5 25.4    6.909   6.726   19.5
     July  6     1 12.29    + 5 56.5
          16     1 12.69    + 6 22.9    6.723   6.865   19.5
          26     1 12.18    + 6 44.6
     Aug.  5     1 10.75    + 7 01.3    6.544   7.004   19.5
          15     1 08.41    + 7 13.2
          25     1 05.22    + 7 20.3    6.410   7.143   19.6
     Sept. 4     1 01.28    + 7 23.1
          14     0 56.75    + 7 22.1    6.358   7.281   19.6
          24     0 51.80    + 7 18.0
     Oct.  4     0 46.68    + 7 11.9    6.420   7.419   19.7
          14     0 41.62    + 7 04.8
          24     0 36.86    + 6 58.0    6.609   7.556   19.9
     Nov.  3     0 32.59    + 6 52.5
          13     0 28.99    + 6 49.5    6.917   7.693   20.1
          23     0 26.18    + 6 49.7
     Dec.  3     0 24.22    + 6 53.7    7.320   7.829   20.3
          13     0 23.14    + 7 01.9
          23     0 22.91    + 7 14.5    7.778   7.966   20.5

     A. C. Gilmore provides the following precise positions,
obtained with the 41-cm reflector at the Carter Observatory.
Measurer: P. M. Kilmartin.  The image on the first plate is poor.

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.
     Feb. 12.47464     9 08 03.57   -50 59 27.1
          12.51883     9 07 59.54   -50 59 20.1
          25.37929     8 54 26.18   -50 31 05.1
          25.42304     8 54 23.53   -50 30 59.9

     The following orbital elements, by the undersigned, are from
46 observations 1976 Feb. 25 to 1977 Feb. 25.  Perturbations by all
nine planets were taken into account.  Mean residual 0".93.

                      Epoch = 1975 Jan. 28.0 ET
       T = 1975 Jan. 15.6030 ET     Peri. = 193.4309
       e =   1.002036               Node  =  22.0875   1950.0
       q =   6.881077 AU            Incl. = 112.0202

     On Kiev Komet. Tsirk. No. 206 G. V. Zhukov, Engelhardt
Astronomical Observatory, reports the discovery of a diffuse moving
object on three short exposures obtained with the 38-cm Schmidt
telescope.  Measurer: M. I. Kibardina.

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.         m1
     July  1.79174    18 52 44.24   + 2 41 21.5   11-12
           1.79347    18 52 44.17   + 2 41 11.4
           1.79527    18 52 43.98   + 2 41 00.7

1977 April 8                   (3059)              Brian G. Marsden

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