Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits


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                                                  Circular No. 3074
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

     B. Burke, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, reports that
observations by A. D. Haschick at the Haystack Observatory show the
amplitude of the -50.4 km/s line of the H2O maser complex in W3(OH)
(R.A. = 2h23m.3, Decl. = +61o39', equinox 1950.0) to be increasing by 10
percent per day (since May 8).

     V. C. Rubin, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, informs us
that inspection of very short exposures of NGC 4278, taken by E.
Hubble with the 254-cm reflector in 1923, shows a faint star some
12" north of the nucleus that is probably identical with the
'possible supernova' reported on IAUC 3043.  It seems likely that the
television mode of observation caused the current brightness to be
somewhat overestimated.  Other astronomers have reported failure to
detect in March, either visually or photographically, any object
brighter than magnitude ~ 15 at the indicated position.

     The following prediction, by B. G. Marsden, is based on observations
at the four returns 1951-1972.  Perturbations by all nine
planets and nongravitational effects were taken into account.

       T = 1978 Mar. 15.8976 ET   Epoch = 1978 Apr. 2.0 ET
   Peri. = 186.9817                   e =   0.538013
   Node  = 254.2133   1950.0          a =   3.494872 AU
   Incl. =  18.4588                   n =   0.1508541
       q =   1.614585 AU              P =   6.534 years
                                                        For dT = +1d
     1977/78 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     dR.A.  dDecl.   m2
     June  6    23 15.41    +15 00.1    2.923   2.914   -0m80  - 4'4   20.5
          16    23 23.87    +16 56.8                    -0.88  - 4.7
          26    23 31.34    +18 54.2    2.565   2.800   -0.97  - 5.1   20.0
     July  6    23 37.62    +20 51.0                    -1.07  - 5.5
          16    23 42.43    +22 45.3    2.219   2.684   -1.19  - 6.0   19.5
          26    23 45.48    +24 34.5                    -1.32  - 6.7
     Aug.  5    23 46.48    +26 15.1    1.901   2.567   -1.46  - 7.5   19.0
          15    23 45.13    +27 42.2                    -1.60  - 8.5
          25    23 41.29    +28 49.5    1.630   2.450   -1.74  - 9.7   18.5
     Sept. 4    23 35.06    +29 29.9                    -1.85  -11.1
          14    23 26.91    +29 36.1    1.426   2.333   -1.92  -12.5   17.9
          24    23 17.78    +29 03.4                    -1.94  -13.7
     Oct.  4    23 08.99    +27 51.9    1.303   2.217   -1.91  -14.6   17.5
          14    23 01.91    +26 07.5                    -1.83  -14.7
          24    22 57.73    +24 01.4    1.266   2.104   -1.75  -14.3   17.2
     Nov.  3    22 57.18    +21 47.4                    -1.66  -13.3
          13    23 00.51    +19 38.0    1.297   1.996   -1.59  -11.9   17.1
          23    23 07.68    +17 43.2                    -1.54  -10.3
     Dec.  3    23 18.38    +16 08.8    1.373   1.896   -1.51  - 8.8   17.0
          13    23 32.22    +14 57.4                    -1.51  - 7.3
          23    23 48.83    +14 09.1    1.472   1.805   -1.52  - 6.0   16.9
     Jan.  2     0 07.82    +13 42.4                    -1.54  - 4.7
          12     0 28.88    +13 34.5    1.582   1.729   -1.58  - 3.6   16.9
          22     0 51.72    +13 42.1                    -1.62  - 2.6
     Feb.  1     1 16.09    +14 01.3    1.695   1.669   -1.65  - 1.6   16.9
          11     1 41.79    +14 28.2                    -1.69  - 0.6
          21     2 08.61    +14 58.9    1.811   1.630   -1.72  + 0.3   16.9
     Mar.  3     2 36.34    +15 29.4                    -1.74  + 1.3
          13     3 04.81    +15 56.2    1.932   1.615   -1.75  + 2.3   17.0
          23     3 33.83    +16 16.1                    -1.74  + 3.2
     Apr.  2     4 03.16    +16 26.4    2.062   1.623   -1.73  + 4.2   17.2
          12     4 32.63    +16 24.9                    -1.70  + 5.0
          22     5 02.00    +16 10.4    2.202   1.656   -1.65  + 5.8   17.4
     May   2     5 31.08    +15 41.9                    -1.59  + 6.5
          12     5 59.70    +14 59.5    2.353   1.710   -1.53  + 7.1   17.7
          22     6 27.69    +14 03.4                    -1.46  + 7.5
     June  1     6 54.93    +12 54.6    2.514   1.782   -1.38  + 7.8   18.0

           m2 = 13.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

     A. W. Harris, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, provides the following
predictions for the eclipses of Iapetus by Saturn and its rings
on 1977 Oct. 19-20 and 1978 Jan. 7-8.  The earlier predictions
(Peters 1975, Celes. Mech. 12, 99; Porter 1976, Handb. Br. Astron.
Assoc. for 1977, p. 63) have been substantially revised with the
help of the new theory for Iapetus by A. T. Sinclair, H.M. Nautical
Almanac Office.  The times are still uncertain by about +/- 15 min.

   Event                        1977 ET          1978 ET
   Immersion, A ring shadow     Oct. 19d12h25m
   Emersion, A ring shadow           19 13 55
   Immersion, B ring shadow          19 14 25
   Immersion, C ring shadow          19 17 31
   Disappearance, Planet shadow      19 19 31    Jan.  7d18h57m
   Reappearance, Planet shadow       20 05 07          8 04 12
   Emersion, B ring shadow                             8 08 04
   Immersion, A ring shadow                            8 08 49
   Emersion, A ring shadow           20 05 11          8 10 48

1977 May 16                    (3074)              Brian G. Marsden

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