Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3085: 1977f; 1977e; 3U 1735-44 = 2S 1735-444

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3085
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

     Further positions have been reported as follows:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1   Observer
     May  19.55347    13 50 28      -12 06.7      18     Seki
          19.58056    13 50 27.3    -12 06 42              "
     June 17.10899    13 44 12.49   -11 45 56.8   19     Shao

T. Seki (Geisei).  From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 148.
C.-Y. Shao (Harvard College Observatory, Agassiz Station).  155-cm
   reflector.  Comet image weak and diffuse.

     The following improved orbital elements satisfy the Palomar
and Agassiz observations Apr. 24 to June 17 within 0".5:

       T = 1977 Mar. 3.707 ET
   Peri. = 179.046                    e =   0.23766
   Node  =  28.431  1950.0            a =   6.11747 AU
   Incl. =   4.354                    n =   0.065140
       q =   4.66357 AU               P =  15.13 years

     1977 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     June 26    13 44.38    -11 50.4    4.170   4.685   19.3
     July  6    13 45.80    -12 01.9
          16    13 48.45    -12 19.9    4.466   4.693   19.5
          26    13 52.28    -12 43.9
     Aug.  5    13 57.19    -13 13.3    4.774   4.702   19.6
          15    14 03.06    -13 47.3
          25    14 09.80    -14 25.1    5.069   4.712   19.8
     Sept. 4    14 17.32    -15 06.0
          14    14 25.52    -15 49.2    5.329   4.724   19.9
          24    14 34.33    -16 33.9
     Oct.  4    14 43.64    -17 19.5    5.538   4.736   20.0

            m2 = 9.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Apr. 18.03971    12 32 45.97   - 7 46 59.8          McCrosky
          19.16270    12 28 11.50   - 8 34 04.0            "
          20.17616    12 23 58.92   - 9 17 25.6            "
          22.07745    12 15 53.45   -10 40 55.3  15-16   Bulger
     May   8.51181    11 00 26.7    -23 20 33.2   14     Furuta
           8.51994    11 00 24.8    -23 20 53.8            "

R. E. McCrosky and J. H. Bulger (Harvard College Observatory, Agassiz
   Station).  155-cm reflector.  Measurer: Bulger.
T. Furuta (Tokai).  From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 148.

     The following improved parabolic orbit, by the undersigned, is
based on 30 observations Apr. 16 to May 15:

       T = 1977 June 30.9729 ET  Peri. = 249.3525
                                 Node  =  19.4429   1950.0
       q = 1.117568 AU           Incl. =  43.1893

     1977 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     July 26     7 00.01    -58 39.7    0.820   1.189   16.3
          31     6 41.60    -60 31.1
     Aug.  5     6 20.10    -62 22.4    0.820   1.252   16.5
          10     5 54.43    -64 10.3
          15     5 23.36    -65 48.4    0.817   1.330   16.8
          20     4 45.91    -67 06.4
          25     4 02.17    -67 50.2    0.819   1.419   17.1
          30     3 14.26    -67 45.5
     Sept. 4     2 26.29    -66 43.1    0.835   1.517   17.4
           9     1 42.57    -64 43.0
          14     1 05.74    -61 54.4    0.876   1.622   17.8
          19     0 36.36    -58 31.0
          24     0 13.66    -54 47.1    0.947   1.730   18.3
          29    23 56.44    -50 54.8
     Oct.  4    23 43.52    -47 03.3    1.053   1.841   18.8
           9    23 33.95    -43 18.8
          14    23 27.00    -39 45.2    1.191   1.954   19.3
          19    23 22.14    -36 24.8
          24    23 18.92    -33 18.3    1.359   2.069   19.8
          29    23 17.04    -30 25.6
     Nov.  3    23 16.23    -27 46.1    1.552   2.184   20.3
           8    23 16.30    -25 18.9
          13    23 17.11    -23 02.7    1.766   2.299   20.8

3U 1735-44 = 2S 1735-444
     H. E. Bond, Louisiana State University, reports that an image-tube
spectrogram (dispersion 180 A/mm), obtained with the 400-cm
reflector at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, of McClintock's
candidate for the optical counterpart of this x-ray source (IAUC
3084) shows a featureless blue continuum with weak H-beta emission
superimposed on it.  He II 4686 A and He I 5875 A may also be present
as very weak emission lines.

1977 July 1                    (3085)              Brian G. Marsden

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