Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits


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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3122
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

     Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 3024:
                                                        For dT = + 1d
     1977/78 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     dR.A.  dDecl.   m2
     Nov. 13    13 17.37    - 4 09.4    4.569   3.754   -0m44  + 2'2   19.9
          23    13 28.87    - 5 08.2                    -0.47  + 2.3
     Dec.  3    13 40.29    - 6 03.6    4.285   3.655   -0.50  + 2.4   19.8
          13    13 51.55    - 6 54.8                    -0.53  + 2.5
          23    14 02.52    - 7 40.9    3.953   3.557   -0.57  + 2.6   19.7
     Jan.  2    14 13.10    - 8 21.2                    -0.60  + 2.8
          12    14 23.15    - 8 54.9    3.587   3.459   -0.65  + 2.9   19.4
          22    14 32.49    - 9 21.2                    -0.70  + 3.0
     Feb.  1    14 40.94    - 9 39.5    3.205   3.362   -0.75  + 3.2   19.2
          11    14 48.30    - 9 49.1                    -0.81  + 3.4
          21    14 54.34    - 9 49.4    2.830   3.266   -0.87  + 3.5   18.8
     Mar.  3    14 58.83    - 9 40.2                    -0.94  + 3.8
          13    15 01.55    - 9 21.4    2.487   3.171   -1.01  + 4.0   18.4
          23    15 02.34    - 8 53.4                    -1.08  + 4.2
     Apr.  2    15 01.13    - 8 17.3    2.204   3.079   -1.14  + 4.5   18.0
          12    14 57.99    - 7 35.1                    -1.20  + 4.7
          22    14 53.20    - 6 49.8    2.006   2.989   -1.24  + 4.8   17.5
     May   2    14 47.26    - 6 05.5                    -1.26  + 4.9
          12    14 40.85    - 5 26.5    1.913   2.902   -1.27  + 4.9   17.4
          22    14 34.76    - 4 57.2                    -1.25  + 4.8
     June  1    14 29.73    - 4 41.1    1.923   2.819   -1.21  + 4.7   17.5
          11    14 26.36    - 4 40.1                    -1.17  + 4.5
          21    14 25.05    - 4 54.6    2.016   2.741   -1.12  + 4.4   17.7
     July  1    14 26.00    - 5 23.8                    -1.08  + 4.2
          11    14 29.24    - 6 06.1    2.162   2.669   -1.04  + 4.1   17.9
          21    14 34.70    - 6 59.6                    -1.01  + 4.0
          31    14 42.25    - 8 02.0    2.335   2.603   -0.98  + 3.9   18.1
     Aug  10    14 51.73    - 9 11.0                    -0.97  + 3.9
          20    15 02.98    -10 24.6    2.515   2.545   -0.96  + 3.8   18.2
          30    15 15.84    -11 40.5                    -0.95  + 3.7
     Sept. 9    15 30.20    -12 56.9    2.691   2.495   -0.95  + 3.5   18.3
          19    15 45.91    -14 11.8                    -0.96  + 3.4
          29    16 02.86    -15 23.2    2.856   2.455   -0.97  + 3.1   18.3
     Oct.  9    16 20.94    -16 29.6                    -0.98  + 2.9
          19    16 40.02    -17 29.0    3.004   2.424   -0.99  + 2.6   18.3
          29    17 00.00    -18 20.1                    -1.00  + 2.2
     Nov.  8    17 20.76    -19 01.5    3.133   2.404   -1.01  + 1.8   18.3

     The following ephemeris is from the predicted elements by G.
Sitarski (1975, Acta Astron. 25, 161).  There are very similar preditions
in Acta Astron. Sinica (1976) 17, 106 and by S. W. Milbourn
in Hand. Br. Astron. Assoc. for 1978.
                                                        For DT = +1d
     1977/78 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     dR.A.  dDecl.   m2
     Nov. 13     0 46.17    +15 02.0    2.191   3.056   -0m77  - 5'4   20.6
          23     0 41.60    +14 08.9                    -0.73  - 5.2
     Dec.  3     0 39.84    +13 25.9    2.291   2.953   -0.70  - 4.9   20.5
          13     0 39.53    +12 56.0                    -0.67  - 4.6
          23     0 42.13    +12 40.7    2.448   2.848   -0.64  - 4.3   20.5
     Jan.  2     0 47.00    +12 40.3                    -0.63  - 4.1
          12     0 53.96    +12 54.0    2.623   2.743   -0.62  - 3.8   20.5
          22     1 02.81    +13 20.6                    -0.62  - 3.7
     Feb.  1     1 13.37    +13 58.4    2.789   2.637   -0.63  - 3.5   20.4
          11     1 25.48    +14 45.7                    -0.64  - 3.4
          21     1 39.01    +15 40.7    2.927   2.531   -0.66  - 3.3   20.4
     Mar.  3     1 53.86    +16 41.4                    -0.69  - 3.1
          13     2 09.95    +17 46.1    3.029   2.427   -0.72  - 3.0   20.3
          23     2 27.23    +18 52.9                    -0.76  - 2.8
     Apr.  2     2 45.66    +19 59.7    3.089   2.325   -0.80  - 2.6   20.1

                        m2 = 14.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

     J. Kristian, Hale Observatories, telegraphs that P. J. Young
and D. Ritchie have discovered a supernova 3" east and 17" north of
the nucleus of the galaxy Zw 310-31 = VV 11-10-52 (R.A. = 7h58m.6, Decl. =
+67o17', equinox 1950.0).  On Oct. 15.50 UT the photographic magnitude
was 16.  The discovery was confirmed by C. Kowal.  A spectrogram
by M. Schmidt on Oct. 16 indicates that the supernova is past
its maximum brightness.

     J. Horn, Ondrejov Observatory, reports that a spectrogram
(dispersion 8.5 A/mm) obtained on Oct. 16.018 UT reveals dramatic
changes in the shell spectrum of the Be star omicron And.  No absorption-shell
components of the hydrogen lines are visible in the blue-violet
part of the spectrum (H-beta to Balmer limit).  A spectrogram
(dispersion 17 A/mm) obtained on Oct. 17.001 UT shows that the H-alpha
line has a sharp shell core, but the emission components have also
sharply weakened and are below the continuum level.

1977 October 19                (3122)              Brian G. Marsden

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