Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3137: 1977 VA; 1977m

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3137
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

1977 VA
     Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 3133:

     1977/78 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     Nov. 23     3 07.16    +12 23.2
     Dec.  3     3 30.99    +11 54.4    0.203   1.180   15.7
          13     3 50.82    +12 01.4
          23     4 08.44    +12 36.4    0.296   1.250   16.9
     Jan.  2     4 25.08    +13 28.8
          12     4 41.58    +14 29.2    0.431   1.340   18.0
          22     4 58.52    +15 30.5
     Feb.  1     5 16.05    +16 27.5    0.610   1.442   19.0
          11     5 34.19    +17 16.6
          21     5 52.95    +17 55.6    0.830   1.550   19.8

     Mag. = 18.5 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.023 (phase angle)

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Observer
     Oct. 13.42778    17 04 53.65   +12 44 52.1    Koishikawa
          13.46771    17 05 02.35   +12 43 26.3      "
          16.44392    17 16 06.91   +10 49 04.5      "
          16.47561    17 16 14.37   +10 47 44.5      "
          17.42882    17 19 54.42   +10 09 40.4      "
          17.43160    17 19 54.93   +10 09 33.7      "
          18.40506    17 23 42.15   + 9 29 49.5      "
          18.41007    17 23 44.04   + 9 29 37.2      "
          21.75542    17 37 14.33   + 7 07 06.2    Debehogne
          21.76996    17 37 18.00   + 7 06 26.4      "
          31.08281    18 18 32.40   - 0 17 05.4    Giclas
          31.83831    18 22 07.05   - 0 55 43.0    Nunez
     Nov.  9.10425    19 03 26.92   - 8 14 21.0    Helin
          10.41501    19 10 20.7    - 9 25 06      Jones

M. Koishikawa (Sendai Observatory, Ayashi  Station).  Measurer: S.
   Kasahara.  From Japan Astron. Circ. No. 125.
H. Debehogne (Royal Observatory, Uccle).
H. L. Giclas (Lowell Observatory).  Measurer: M. L. Kantz.
J. Nunez (Instituto y Observatorio de Marina, San Fernando).  33-cm
   astrograph.  Long. = +6o12'17".1, Lat. = +36o27'57".1.
E. Helin, E. Shoemaker and S. J. Bus (Palomar Mountain Observatory).
B. J. T. Jones, J. E. Jones, S. Lee and B. A. Peterson (Anglo-Australian
   Observatory).  Communicated by J. C. Blades.

     The following improved parabolic elements, by the undersigned,
are from 120 observations Sept. 6 to Nov. 9:

       T = 1977 Nov. 10.5659 ET  Peri. = 163.4799
                                 Node  = 181.8175   1950.0
       q = 0.990662 AU           Incl. =  48.7196

     1977/78 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m1
     Dec.  3    21 17.98    -26 54.6    1.025   1.063    6.8
           8    21 46.56    -29 25.2
          13    22 14.44    -31 20.9    1.115   1.135    7.3
          18    22 41.32    -32 44.1
          23    23 06.98    -33 38.2    1.228   1.224    7.8
          28    23 31.27    -34 07.3
     Jan.  2    23 54.17    -34 15.3    1.357   1.325    8.4
           7     0 15.67    -34 06.1
          12     0 35.86    -33 42.9    1.497   1.435    8.9
          17     0 54.81    -33 08.7
          22     1 12.63    -32 26.0    1.644   1.551    9.5
          27     1 29.42    -31 36.8

     Feb.  1     1 45.28    -30 42.9    1.798   1.670   10.0
          11     2 14.65    -28 46.3
          21     2 41.42    -26 45.1    2.118   1.912   10.9
     Mar.  3     3 06.13    -24 45.5
          13     3 29.20    -22 51.7    2.453   2.156   11.8
          23     3 50.93    -21 06.7
     Apr.  2     4 11.54    -19 32.4    2.796   2.399   12.5
          12     4 31.19    -18 10.0
          22     4 49.99    -17 00.3    3.138   2.638   13.2
     May   2     5 08.01    -16 03.4
          12     5 25.32    -15 19.3    3.470   2.872   13.8
          22     5 41.93    -14 47.9
     June  1     5 57.87    -14 28.6    3.781   3.102   14.3

            m1 = 6.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

     Further total visual magnitude estimates: Oct. 25.97 UT, 7.4
(S. O'Meara, Harvard Observatory, 8-cm refractor); 28.98, 7.0 (J.
Bortle, Brooks Observatory, 10 x 50 binoculars; 30' tail in p.a. 0o,
32-cm reflector); Nov. 1.07, 6.8 (P. Maley, Houston, Texas, 7 x 35
binoculars); 5.73, 7.4 (V. Belli, C. Franciosi and M. Vigano, Varese,
Italy, 7 x 50 binoculars); 10.03, 6.8 (Maley); 14.03, 6.8 (Maley).

     Corrigenda.  On IAUC 3118, second line after observations, for
(Kawane, Kyoto).  Long. = -9h02m.3, read (Kawane, Shizuoka).  Long. =
-9h12m.3.  On IAUC 3127, last line, for  ~ -4 K during Nov. 2-5,  read
~ -0.4 K during Nov. 2-5.

1977 November 15               (3137)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 3136  SEARCH Read IAUC 3138

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