Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits


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                                                  Circular No. 3249
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     The following ephemeris, by P. Herget, is from Publ. Cincinnati
Obs. (1968) No. 23:

     1978/79 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r
     Sept. 9     7 13.33    +27 24.0    6.482   6.032
          19     7 18.98    +27 15.8    6.343   6.036
          29     7 23.77    +27 09.0    6.194   6.040
     Oct.  9     7 27.60    +27 04.0    6.040   6.044
          19     7 30.35    +27 01.1    5.884   6.048
          29     7 31.95    +27 00.5    5.730   6.052
     Nov.  8     7 32.32    +27 02.2    5.582   6.056
          18     7 31.40    +27 06.0    5.446   6.060
          28     7 29.27    +27 11.4    5.326   6.064
     Dec.  8     7 25.98    +27 17.6    5.228   6.067
          18     7 21.73    +27 23.8    5.155   6.071
          28     7 16.77    +27 28.9    5.112   6.075
     Jan.  7     7 11.42    +27 32.2    5.099   6.079
          17     7 06.05    +27 32.8    5.117   6.082
          27     7 01.03    +27 30.6    5.167   6.086
     Feb.  6     6 56.70    +27 25.6    5.246   6.090
          16     6 53.32    +27 18.0    5.351   6.093
          26     6 51.07    +27 08.2    5.477   6.097
     Mar.  8     6 50.03    +26 56.8    5.619   6.101
          18     6 50.27    +26 44.0    5.774   6.104
          28     6 51.72    +26 30.1    5.935   6.108
     Apr.  7     6 54.32    +26 15.3    6.099   6.111
          17     6 57.95    +25 59.5    6.261   6.115
          27     7 02.50    +25 42.8    6.418   6.118
     May   7     7 07.87    +25 25.1    6.566   6.122

     The following ephemeris is from Handb. Br. Astron. Assoc. for
1978 with an extension into 1979.  Although the comet is predicted
to be very faint, it is not impossible that there will be a surge
in brightness, as occurred on two occasions in 1973

                                                        For dT = +1d
     1978/79 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     dR.A.  dDecl.  Mag.
     Sept. 9     9 10.74    +12 19.7    2.524   1.719   -1m38  + 2'6   21.7
          19     9 38.50    +10 36.1                    -1.51  + 3.5
          29    10 07.68    + 8 35.7    2.281   1.560   -1.64  + 4.5   21.4
     Oct.  9    10 38.42    + 6 18.6                    -1.79  + 5.5
          19    11 10.86    + 3 46.0    2.060   1.410   -1.93  + 6.6   21.1
          29    11 45.14    + 1 00.1                    -2.08  + 7.5
     Nov.  8    12 21.36    - 1 55.1    1.883   1.278   -2.22  + 8.2   20.8
          18    12 59.51    - 4 53.7                    -2.34  + 8.5
          28    13 39.46    - 7 48.1    1.766   1.179   -2.44  + 8.5   20.6
     Dec.  8    14 20.90    -10 29.5                    -2.49  + 7.9
          18    15 03.29    -12 49.0    1.718   1.128   -2.49  + 6.9   20.4
          28    15 45.95    -14 39.4                    -2.44  + 5.6
     Jan.  7    16 28.07    -15 56.3    1.731   1.135   -2.33  + 4.1   20.4
          17    17 08.86    -16 38.6                    -2.18  + 2.8
          27    17 47.68    -16 48.5    1.782   1.198   -2.01  + 1.6   20.6
     Feb.  6    18 24.02    -16 30.2                    -1.82  + 0.8
          16    18 57.63    -15 49.4    1.845   1.306   -1.64  + 0.2   20.8
          26    19 28.43    -14 51.7                    -1.47  - 0.2
     Mar.  8    19 56.41    -13 42.5    1.897   1.443   -1.31  - 0.3   21.1
          18    20 21.68    -12 26.5                    -1.18  - 0.3
          28    20 44.36    -11 07.8    1.921   1.596   -1.07  - 0.2   21.4
     Apr.  7    21 04.55    - 9 49.9                    -0.99  - 0.1
          17    21 22.31    - 8 35.7    1.908   1.756   -0.92  + 0.1   21.6
          27    21 37.70    - 7 27.8                    -0.87  + 0.2
     May   7    21 50.67    - 6 28.7    1.857   1.919   -0.84  + 0.3   21.7

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1977/78 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.        Observer
     Nov. 12.99979    23 08 05.43   -10 59 56.3    McCrosky
     Dec. 14.54583     0 01 40.00   - 9 47 56.7    Candy
     Jan. 31.99264     1 28 24.75   - 3 15 38.1    Bulger

R. E. McCrosky and J. H. Bulger (Harvard College Observatory).
M. P. Candy (Perth Observatory, Bickley).  33-cm astrograph.

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1978/79 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Apr. 10.31730    14 58 38.74   - 7 42 37./7         Shao
          12.00320    14 57 59.32   - 7 35 11.9   15     Chernykh
          12.01309    14 57 59.03   - 7 35 10.5            "
     May   4.19392    14 45 52.49   - 5 56 22.1          Bulger
           5.93938    14 44 45.30   - 5 49 18.7   15     Chernykh
           5.94979    14 44 44.83   - 5 49 16.1            "

C.-Y. Shao and J. H. Bulger (Harvard College Observatory).
N. S. Chernykh (Crimean Astrophysical observatory).  Measurer:
   L. G. Karachkina.  Communicated by G. R. Kastel'.

1978 July 31                   (3249)              Brian G. Marsden

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