Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3570: CH Cyg; OH 205.1-14.1; A0538-66

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3570
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     M. Kafatos, A. G. Michalitsianos, W. A. Feibelman and R. W.
Hobbs, Goddard Space Flight Center; and R. E. Stencel, Joint
Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, report: "IUE observations of the
symbiotic star CH Cyg were made on 1980 Dec. 23.3 UT, and the
fine-error-sensor indicated V = 5.9.  High-dispersion spectrograms
showed He II 164.0 nm, Si III 189.2 nm and C III 190.6 and 190.9 nm
in emission; there was also complex emission and absorption of Mg
II 279.6 and 280.3 nm.  The continuum had a strong discontinuity at
172.0 nm in low dispersion, consistent with a star having a
temperature near 7000 K."

OH 205.1-14.1
     K. Mattila and M. Toriseva, University of Helsinki Observatory,
telex: "The 22.2-GHz H2O emission of the unusual maser source OH
205.1-14.1 near NGC 2071 has undergone a remarkable brightening
since the last known observation on 1978 Oct. 4 (cf. Sandell and
Olofsson 1981, A. & Ap., in press).  Using the Metsaehovi 13.7-m
radio telescope on 1981 Jan. 10 at 21h UT, we observed a peak
antenna temperature of 56 K, corresponding to 1700 Jy.  The single
spectral feature had an lsr velocity of 6.5 km/s and a width of 1.5
km/s.  The brightening is probably related to the flare in the
1667-MHz OH emission reported by Kazes et al. (IAUC 3502)."

     P. A. Charles, University of Oxford, and J. R. Thorstensen,
Dartmouth College, write: "Spectrograms obtained of the recurrent
x-ray transient A0538-66 (cf. Skinner 1980, Nature 288, 141) with
the 4-m Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory telescope and
spectrograph on 1980 Dec. 30-1981 Jan. 1 UT show Balmer and He I
emission of steadily-increasing intensity and width, superposed on a
B-type spectrum.  By Jan. 1 the emission showed strongly double-peaked
profiles, indicative of a shell star.  Subsequent photometry
with the 0.9-m telescope gave a maximum brightness of V = 13.0 (B-V
= 0.0) on 1981 Jan. 2 (near phase 0 in the 16.6-day x-ray outburst
period), with a fading to V = 14.9 on Jan. 6.  Spectroscopy of the
star at the Anglo-Australian Observatory with the image-photon-counting
system on Jan. 10 and 11 revealed sharp Balmer emission,
weak He II 468.6-nm emission, and H I and He I absorption.  Further
optical and x-ray observations are strongly urged."

1981 February 2                (3570)              Daniel W. E. Green

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