Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3587: SN IN NGC 4536; 3A 0557-383; GK Per

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3587
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     P. M. Williams and W. J. Zealey, U.K. Infrared Telescope, report
that observations made on Mar. 12 and 14 of the supernova in
NGC 4536 gave the following magnitudes: J = 12.97, H = 12.90, K =
12.81. They also provide the following measured positton: R.A. =
12h31m56s.5, Decl. = +2o28'27" (equinox 1950.0).
     P. Salinari, Osservatorlo Astrofisico di Arcetri; and A. F. M.
Moorwood, European Southern Observatory, Garching, telex: "We have
obtained the following magnitudes with the ESO 3.6-m telescope: Mar.
17.229 UT, J = 13.75 +/- 0.05, H = 13.27 +/- 0.05, K = 12.99 +/- 0.05;
22.146, J = 14.57 +/- 0.05, H = 13.44 +/- 0.1, K = 13.34 +/- 0.06.  Noteworthy
is the larger decay in J (Delta-J = +0.82, Delta-H = +0.17, Delta-K = +0.35)
     P. Collins, Cambridge, MA, reports mv = 12.0 on Mar. 15.281 UT.

3A 0557-383
     I. McHardy and J. Pye, X-Ray Astronomy Group, Leicester University;
and T. Fairall, University of Cape Town, telex: "Spectroscopic
image-photon-counting system observations by Fairall at the
South African Astronomical Observatory have revealed a classic type-I
Seyfert galaxy with extremely strong and broad (full width at
zero intensity -5600 km/s) Balmer lines in the error box of the irregular
x-ray source 3A 0557-383.  The galaxy, a 14.5-magnitude
spiral at position  R.A. = 5h56m21s.2, Decl. = -38o20'15" (uncertainty +/-
1".5, equinox 1950.0), is considered a good identification for the x-ray
source.  It has a red-shift of 0.0344, implying Lx = 10**37.2 J/s
(2-10 keV) and Mv = -22.0."

     J. Mattei, American Association of Variable Star Observers, reports
that this nova has continued to rise (cf. IAUC 3574), as indicated
by the following visual magnitude estimates: Feb. 27.3 UT,
11.5 (S. Sharpe, Waterloo, ON); Mar. 2.1, 11.2 (R. Adams, Florence,
MA); 12.9, 11.2 (K. Medway, Hampshire, Eng.); 14.1, 10.2 (Adams);
15.1, 10.5 (E. Mayer, Jr., Barberton, OH); 16.1, 10.2 (Adams); 17.1,
10.6 (E. Mayer, Barberton, OH); 23.1, 10.4 (Adams).
     T. Urata, Nihondaira Observatory, telexes the following additional
estimates: Feb. 17.41 UT, 11.9 (K. Hirosawa, Inazawa, Aichi);
18.41, 12.0 (S. Fujino, Hamamatsu).

1981 March 25                  (3587)              Daniel W. E. Green

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