Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3616: PG 1550+191; GX 339-4; 1980i

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3616
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

PG 1550+191
     H. Stockman, J. Liebert, S. Tapia, R. Green, R. Williams and
D. Ferguson, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona; and P.
Szkody, University of Washington, write: "We have discovered PG
1550+191 (R.A. = 15h50m33s.08, Decl. = +19o05'17".7, equinox 1950.0,
uncertainty +/- 0".5) to be an AM Her-type variable.  Monitoring of the
linear and circular polarization yields an ephemeris for the peak
of linear polarization: HJD 2444763.7593 +/- 0.0007 + E (0.078863 +/-
0.000007).  The maximum of linear polarization is generally weak
(~ 2-5 percent), while the circular polarization varies between 0
and -12 percent with a symmetric minimum at phase 0.50.  Simultaneous
UBVR photometry shows mild flickering and smooth variations
which are roughly synchronous with the polarization.  At minimum
(phase ~ 0.62), V = 15.8, U-B = -1.3, B-V = -0.05; at maximum
(phase ~ 0.16), V = 15.0, U-B = -1.0, B-V = +0.3.  The emission
line spectrum shows strong He II, He I, H, C II and high excitation
lines.  The peak radial velocities have K ~ 165 km/s (semiamplitude)
and positive zero crossing at magnetic phase 0.5.  A
broad emission component is present with K ~ 360 km/s and positive
zero crossing near 0.3."

GX 339-4
     M. Oda and the Hakucho Team, Institute of Space and Astronautical
Science, University of Tokyo, telex: "The Hakucho satellite
has been observing GX 339-4 (= 4U 1659-48) since June 5 (cf.
IAUC 3609).  The source exhibited intermediate intensity (0.1-0.2
Crab at 1-10 keV) during June 5-22, with a moderate day-by-day intensity
variation.  Beginning about June 24, GX 339-4 turned into
an unusually bright state (0.4-0.5 Crab at 1-10 keV).  During a
scan of the data, no significant intensity variability has been
found on timescales of 0.1-500 s (upper limit 10-20 percent).  A
more detailed analysis is in progress.  Hakucho will have continued
observing this object until about July 20.  We encourage optical
observers to monitor this source.

     Total visual magnitude estimates: Apr. 5.17 UT, 10.6 (D.
Machholz, San Jose, CA, 0.25-m reflector); May 4.07, 11.4 (J. E.
Bortle, Stormville, NY, 0.32-m reflector); 8.07, 11.4 (Bortle).

1981 July 22                   (3616)              Daniel W. E. Green

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