Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3679: 1982 DV

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3679
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

1982 DV
     The following observations have been made by H.-E. Schuster at
the European Southern Observatory.  The accurate measurements are
by R. M. West.

     1982 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.         V
     Feb. 28.25830    12 06 35.78   -25 25 23.4    14.0
     Mar.  4.26528    12 19 08.44   -27 16 58.4
           5.20069    12 22 20.84   -27 42 48.1
           6.19722    12 25 52.06   -28 10 10.8
           7.17917    12 29 27.95   -28 36 56.9
           9.17083    12 37 10.04   -29 30 30.9
          11.14653    12 45 22.8    -30 22 56
          12.15000    12 49 46.6    -30 48 15
          13.11597    12 54 10.5    -31 11 53      13.5
          18.19861    13 19 50.8    -33 06 28

     H. Debehogne and H. Mauder telex that UBV photometry repeatedly
over several hours around Mar. 13.2 and 14.2 UT at the European
Southern Observatory gave V = 13.6 and 13.3, respectively.  Colors
were as on Mar. 7 (see IAUC 3678).

     The following orbital elements, by the undersigned, satisfy
the six accurate positions Feb. 28-Mar. 9 within 0".7:

       T = 1982 Apr. 13.006 ET
   Peri. = 349.168                    e =   0.45557
   Node  = 218.206    1950.0          a =   2.02650 AU
   Incl. =   5.914                    n =   0.341653
       q =   1.10328 AU               P =   2.88 years

     1982 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      B
     Mar. 17    13 13.41    -32 41.9
          22    13 42.19    -34 13.5    0.170   1.130   13.7
          27    14 15.26    -35 03.6
     Apr.  1    14 51.58    -34 57.3    0.148   1.111   13.5
           6    15 29.06    -33 45.6
          11    16 05.08    -31 31.1    0.139   1.104   13.4
          16    16 37.35    -28 28.3
          21    17 04.57    -24 58.4    0.143   1.107   13.5
          26    17 26.43    -21 22.0
     May   1    17 43.33    -17 55.0    0.156   1.121   13.7

1982 March 19                  (3679)              Brian G. Marsden

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