Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3685: 1982 FT; 1980 S 6; E1405-451

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3685
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

1982 FT
     C. Torres, Department of Astronomy, University of Chile,
communicates the following semiaccurate positions of a fast-moving
asteroidal object discovered by L. E. Gonzalez at Cerro el Roble:

     1982 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Mag.
     Mar. 29.20903    12 33 48      -38 44.4       17
          29.25069    12 33 41      -38 46.7
          30.10417    12 31 22      -39 32.3       17
          30.14583    12 31 14      -39 34.5

1980 S 6
     C. Veillet, CERGA, telexes that high-resolution photographic
observations of 1980 S 6 ('Dione B') have been made by him at the
prime focus of the Canada-France-Hawaii 3.60-m reflector.  From 14
1-min exposures on IIIa-J plates during 1982 Mar. 21.463-500 UT he
derives for the offset from Saturn: dR.A. = +43".56 (+/- 0".06) -
3".92 (+/- 0".06) t, dDecl. = -6".75 (+/- 0".09) - 1".14 (+/ 0".09) t, where  t
is measured in hours from the epoch 1982 Mar. 21.48209, and the
errors are standard deviations.  The inferred separation in true
longitude of 1980 S 6 from Saturn IV (Dione), 73o.88 +/- 0o.07 (s.d.),
is in good agreement with Reitsema's ephemeris.  The observations
show that 1980 S 6 is measurable by classical techniques over a
large part of its orbit even when close to an open ring.

     S. Tapia, Steward Observatory, writes: "The optical counterpart
of E1404-451, identified by Mason et al. (IAUC 3684), shows
circular and linear polarization typical of AM Her binaries.
Observations obtained with the University of Arizona's 1.54-m
telescope reveal near constant circular polarization at the level of
+5 percent during one half of the cycle and two maxima with peak
fluctuations of +13 to +19 percent in the other half.  Centered
between the two maxima there is a minimum with nil circular polarization,
which coincides with the linear polarization pulse.  Measurements
from two epochs separated by 354 cycles give a period of
0.070498 +/- 0.000002 day."

1982 April 5                   (3685)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 3684  SEARCH Read IAUC 3686

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