Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3714: (1009); ABELL 41; NOTICE RE Tlgms

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3714
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

(1009) SIRENE
     J. Gibson reports that he has recovered this object on exposures
with the 1.2-m Schmidt telescope at Palomar as follows:

     1982 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Mag.
     July 14.30702    18 25 40.20   - 4 28 32.6   19.5-20
          15.28896    18 24 42.86   - 4 28 10.2

The indicated correction to the prediction by L. K. Kristensen on
IAUC 3691 is Delta-T = +1.60 days.  A revised ephemeris follows:

     1982 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      B
     July 20    18 20.26    - 4 28.1
          30    18 11.81    - 4 37.5    2.042   2.914   19.5
     Aug.  9    18 05.29    - 4 57.9
          19    18 01.13    - 5 26.9    2.145   2.828   19.6
          29    17 59.56    - 6 01.6
    Sept.  8    18 00.60    - 6 39.1    2.300   2.738   19.8
          18    18 04.14    - 7 17.0
          28    18 10.02    - 7 53.1    2.472   2.644   19.9

     A. D. Grauer, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and H. E.
Bond, Louisiana State University, report that the 15th-mag nucleus
of the planetary nebula Abell 41 (R. A. 17h26m10s, Decl. -15o10'.8, equinox
1950.0) is an ultra-short-period binary system.  The blue light
curve, obtained with the 0.9-m reflectors at Kitt Peak, Cerro Tololo
and L.S.U., exhibits broad, 0.15-mag-deep minima that recur with a
period of 2h43m.  No eclipses are seen; the low-amplitude variation
is probably due to the heated hemisphere of a cool companion.  Times
of minimum are given by HJD = 2445082.9463 + 0.1132269 E.

     It is once again an 'open season' for making changes in the
list of subscribers to the Central Bureau's telegram service.  Subscribers
who wish to make address changes, category changes, etc.,
are requested to inform us of said changes by Aug. 31.  We regret
that a charge of $25.00 must be made for address changes and deletions
made outside these biannual seasons.

1982 July 22                   (3714)              Brian G. Marsden

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