Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3766: N Mus 1983; epsilon Aur; SU Tau

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3766
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

      T. Cragg, Anglo-Australian Observatory, telexes that a
spectrogram obtained by P. Charles on Jan. 22.78 UT with the Anglo-
Australian Telescope showed strong, broad, Balmer emission (H&-beta to
H-epsilon), with fwhm 1.6 nm (~ 1000 km/s): the indicated position was
R.A. = 11h49m35s1, Decl. = -66deg55'43" (equinox 1950.0).  I. Nikoloff
and J. Johnston, Perth Observatory, give the end figures as 35.11, 38.3.
G. Blow, Carter Observatory, communicates the following photoelectric
observations (uncertainty +/- 0.05 mag) by W. S. G. Walker
and B. F. Marino, Auckland Observatory, on Jan. 20.461 UT: V =
8.04, B-V = +0.28, U-B = -0.64.  Other visual magnitude estimates:
Jan. 20, fluctuating between 8.4 and 8.0 (A. F. Jones, Nelson, New
Zealand); Jan. 20.54, 7.8 (Cragg); 21, < 7 (L. E. Gonzalez, Cerro
Calan); 21.65, 8.9 (Nikoloff and Johnston, photovisual).

epsilon AURIGAE
     M. Parthasarathy and D. L. Lambert, McDonald Observatory,
report: "Observations of epsilon Aur made since 1981 show a systematic
increase in the strength of the K I 770-nm resonance line: W-lambda = 12
pm in early March 1982 (before the eclipse) but W-lambda = 54 pm now.
The Na D lines behave similarly.  The strengths of the high-
excitation lines Mg II 448 nm, Si II 635 nm and N 869 nm have not
varied significantly.  Our IUE observations show that the eclipse
depth is ~ 1 mag from 310 to 155 nm.  However, the eclipse depth
at 125 to 143 nm is ~ 0.3 mag.  First contact occurred before July
29.  The O 130-nm emission and the P-Cyg-type emission of Mg II
280-nm lines do not seem to show significant variation associated
with the eclipse.  Fe II lines of ultraviolet multiplets 1, 62 and
63 show variation in the strength of their emission components."

     J. Mattei, AAVSO, communicates the following visual magnitude
estimates, which show that this R-CrB variable is now recovering
from its recent minimum: 1982 Dec. 21.90 UT, 15.3 (G. Comello,
Groningen, The Netherlands); 1983 Jan. 5.08, 14.0 (G. Chaple,
Townsend, MA); 9.19, 13.8 (Chaple); 13.14, 13.4 (Chaple); 15.06,
13.0 (Chaple); 17.10, 13.0 (Chaple); 19.03, 12.5 (Chaple).

1983 January 24                (3766)              Brian G. Marsden

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