Circular No. 3785 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 STARLIKE OBJECT IN HERBIG-HARO 57 J. A. Graham, Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, reports the appearance of a starlike object at the northeastern tip of HH 57. The star is not seen at all on the 1976 discovery photographs published by Schwartz (1977, Ap.J. Suppl. 35, 161), but there is a faint, diffuse patch at the position on the blue, red and near- infrared transparencies of the ESO-SRC Atlas (cf. Reipurth 1981, A. Ap. Suppl. 44, 379). Image-tube photographs taken with the Yale 1-m telescope at Cerro Tololo on 1983 Mar. 16 and 17 show the object to be much brighter than before, especially in the near infrared, and it now appears stellar, not diffuse. Line emission may be present, but the radiation is clearly mainly continuous. The infrared source IRS 8 (R.A. = 16h28m56s8, Decl. = -44deg49'08", equinox 1950.0: Reipurth and Wamsteker 1982, ESO Prepr. No. 214) is closely coincident in position. No new photometry is yet available, but the star seems visually near mag 16. It is possible that the observations have caught a T-Tau star or a similar pre-main sequence object at an unusually active phase. Further observations, particularly spectroscopy and infrared photometry, are urged. PERIODIC COMET KOPFF (1982k) Total visual magnitude estimate by J. Bortle, Stormville, NY (0.50-cm reflector): Mar. 16.35 UT, 11.9; comet totally diffuse. PERIODIC COMET BOWELL-SKIFF (1983c) Ephemeris continuation from MPC 7786 (elements on MPC 7773): 1983 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Apr. 16 9 39.73 +13 34.4 1.292 1.971 17.0 26 9 51.59 +12 07.8 May 6 10 05.15 +10 33.2 1.500 2.014 17.4 16 10 20.01 + 8 51.6 26 10 35.82 + 7 04.1 1.740 2.076 17.9 June 5 10 52.26 + 5 12.1 15 11 09.15 + 3 16.7 2.005 2.154 18.3 25 11 26.33 + 1 19.0 July 5 11 43.65 - 0 39.5 2.290 2.245 18.8 1983 March 25 (3785) Brian G. Marsden
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