Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3794: SN IN NGC 4753; 1982d

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3794
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     H. G. Corwin, Jr., University of Texas at Austin, reports the
following data, obtained with the 0.76-m telescope at McDonald
Observatory: Apr. 14.242 UT, V = 12.83, B-V = +0.44, U-B = +0.21,
V-R = +0.10, R-I = -0.26; Apr. 16.337, V = 12.95, B-V = +0.53, U-B
= +0.31, V-R = +0.06, R-I = -0.36.  Standard Johnson UBV and Kron-
Cousins RI filters were used with an EMI 9658R extended S-20
photomultiplier. Because the background near the supernova is bright
(B magnitudes:  21.3 mag arcsec**-2 measured, 21.0 mag arcsec**-2
estimated from the magnitude-aperture relation for the galaxy), these
data may be uncertain by up to +/- 0.1 mag.  Nonetheless, the colors
and rate of decline are consistent with those for type I
supernovae 12 to 15 days past maximum.

     E. P. Aksenov, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, communicates
the independent discovery of this object by Tsvetkov on Apr. 9.903
UT at mpg 13.4.  Further visual magnitude estimates: Apr. 11.22
UT, 12.7 (T. Fetterman, Bridgewater, NJ); 15.22, 12.9 (C. Spratt,
Victoria, BC); 17.22, 13.2 (Spratt).

     The following ephemeris is from MPC 7375 (elements on IAUC
3676), except that the magnitudes are total values, derived from a
formula by C. S. Morris, Harvard, MA.

     1983 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     May   6    22 17.64    - 8 30.6    1.362    1.411    12.7
          16    22 51.36    - 6 55.5
          26    23 24.60    - 5 21.4    1.262    1.383    11.7
     June  5    23 57.02    - 3 52.9
          15     0 28.25    - 2 34.6    1.193    1.389     9.8
          25     0 57.90    - 1 30.4
     July  5     1 25.63    - 0 43.4    1.142    1.427    10.1
          15     1 51.07    - 0 15.7
          25     2 13.85    - 0 08.7    1.098    1.494    10.6
     Aug.  4     2 33.63    - 0 22.5
          14     2 50.01    - 0 57.0    1.054    1.584    11.1
          24     3 02.58    - 1 50.4
     Sept. 3     3 11.02    - 2 59.9    1.013    1.690    11.8
          13     3 14.97    - 4 21.3
          23     3 14.36    - 5 47.4    0.989    1.807    12.5

1983 April 29                  (3794)            Daniel W. E. Green

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