Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3810: 1983e

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3810
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1983 UT           R.A.   (1950.0)   Decl.       Observer

     May   8.777       1 33 53       +39 25.9        Sugano
          10.45833     1 29 05.22    +39 51 25.1     Skiff
          10.76476     1 28 13.60    +39 55 38.4     Ishida
          10.79212     1 28 08.93    +39 56 00.8     Seki
          12.35212     1 23 49.44    +40 15 07.3     McCrosky
          12.42361     1 23 37.77    +40 15 52.0     Everhart
          12.79479     1 22 36.99    +40 19 51.3     Seki

M. Sugano (Minamioda Station).  Long. 134.7 deg east, lat. 35.1 deg
   north, height 370 m.  Measured by H. Kosai.
B. A. Skiff (Lowell Observatory, Anderson Mesa Station).  0.33-m
   photographic telescope.  Measurer: C. Shoemaker.
K. Ishida (Tokyo Observatory, Kiso Station).
T. Seki (Kochi Observatory, Geisei Station).
R. E. McCrosky and D. W. E. Green (Oak Ridge Observatory).  1.5-m
   reflector.  Measurer: Green.
E. Everhart (Chamberlin Observatory, field station).

     The following sets of parabolic elements have been determined
by T. Urata, Nihondaira Observatory, from 4 observations May 8-12,
and by the undersigned from 9 observations May 9-12, respectively.
The comet will pass 0.06 AU from the earth on June 12 (m1 ~ 4-5).

               T. Urata                  B. G. Marsden
          T = 1983 May 1.26 ET      T = 1983 May 1.268 ET
      Peri. =  82.04            Peri. =  82.041
      Node  =  82.26   1950.0   Node  =  82.260   1950.0
      Incl. =  96.45            Incl. =  96.465
          q =   0.4696 AU           q =   0.46965 AU

     1983 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     May   6     1 42.00    +38 32.1    1.075    0.484     7.0
          11     1 27.56    +39 58.8
          16     1 14.12    +40 46.9    0.809    0.593     7.3
          21     1 01.48    +41 07.0
          26     0 48.25    +41 06.0    0.524    0.754     7.4
          31     0 31.05    +40 41.8
     June  5    23 59.35    +39 18.0    0.236    0.930     6.5

1983 May 13                    (3810)              Brian G. Marsden

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