Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3961: 4U 1323-62; 1984f; 1983s

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3961
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

4U 1323-62
     M. van der Klis and J. van Paradijs, Astronomical Institute,
Amsterdam; F. A. Jansen, Royal Observatory, Leiden; and W. H. G.
Lewin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, write: "We have
observed for the first time a type-I x-ray burst from the region of
4U 1323-62.  The burst was detected with both the medium-energy
instrument and the GSPC onboard EXOSAT on Feb. 11.781 UT during a
4.7-hr observation.  It had a risetime of 10-20 s and reached a
peak flux of roughly 50 ufu (uncorrected for aspect).  The decay
initially took place on a timescale of ~ 20 s and slowed to ~ 150
s near the end of the burst.  The total duration of the phenomenon
was ~ 350 s.  These values apply to the integrated flux in the 1-
10-keV band: at energies above 7 keV the duration of the burst was
significantly shorter.  The burst was not evident in the low-
energy telescope, nor did we see a low-energy source inside either
the 4U or the 3A error boxes of 4U 1323-62, possibly due to large
interstellar absorption to the source.  However, the burst source
must be located within 45' of the center (R.A. = 13h23m, Decl. =
-61deg48', equinox 1950.0) of the field of view of the medium-energy
instrument, and that makes the identification with 4U 1323-62 very
likely. Optical observations of the field of 4U 1323-62 are urged."

     Ephemeris continuation from the elements on MPC 8902:

     1984 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     July 19    15 40.61    + 9 01.8    4.385    4.849    14.1
          29    15 33.49    + 7 32.9
     Aug.  8    15 27.99    + 5 59.2    4.547    4.701    14.0
          18    15 24.07    + 4 22.9
          28    15 21.66    + 2 45.7    4.730    4.555    14.0
     Sept. 7    15 20.64    + 1 08.8
          17    15 20.86    - 0 26.9    4.892    4.409    13.9
          27    15 22.18    - 2 00.8
     Oct.  7    15 24.46    - 3 32.8    4.998    4.264    13.8

     Total visual magnitude estimates by C. S. Morris, Whitaker
Peak, CA (0.25-m reflector): Apr. 21.22 UT, 13.0; 23.21, 13.1.

1984 July 20                   (3961)              Brian G. Marsden

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