Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3975: 1984i

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3975
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     E. P. Ney, University of Minnesota, reports the following
infrared magnitudes, obtained on Aug. 10.8 UT using a 26"-diameter
diaphragm: 1.2 microns, 4.8; 1.6 microns, 4.5; 2.2 microns, 3.5;
3.5 microns, 0.4; 4.8 microns, -1.2; 8.5 microns, -3.2; 10.5 microns,
-3.6; 12.5 microns, -3.9.  Comet 1984 is about 4 times dimmer than comet
1973 XII at the same distances from sun and earth and has a muted or
missing silicate feature.

     The following orbital elements are taken from MPC 9026:

         T = 1984 Aug. 12.1346 ET  Peri. = 353.1070
                                   Node  = 170.8769   1950.0
         q =   0.291380 AU         Incl. = 164.1578

     1984 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     Aug. 28     9 12.41    +22 46.3    1.346    0.552     8.1
          30     9 07.68    +23 47.9
     Sept. 1     9 03.07    +24 47.7    1.318    0.642     8.7
           3     8 58.54    +25 46.3
           5     8 54.04    +26 44.2    1.282    0.731     9.2
           7     8 49.50    +27 42.0
           9     8 44.89    +28 40.1    1.239    0.818     9.6
          11     8 40.14    +29 38.8
          13     8 35.20    +30 38.6    1.192    0.903     9.9
          15     8 30.02    +31 39.7
          17     8 24.53    +32 42.5    1.141    0.987    10.2
          19     8 18.66    +33 47.1
          21     8 12.33    +34 53.7    1.089    1.068    10.5
          23     8 05.45    +36 02.5
          25     7 57.94    +37 13.6    1.036    1.147    10.7
          27     7 49.67    +38 26.6
          29     7 40.53    +39 41.6    0.984    1.225    10.8
     Oct.  1     7 30.39    +40 57.9
           3     7 19.11    +42 14.9    0.935    1.301    11.0
           5     7 06.53    +43 31.4
           7     6 52.53    +44 46.2    0.891    1.375    11.1
           9     6 36.98    +45 57.4
          11     6 19.79    +47 02.6    0.855    1.448    11.3
          13     6 00.95    +47 59.3
          15     5 40.55    +48 44.6    0.829    1.520    11.4

1984 August 20                 (3975)              Brian G. Marsden

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