Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3980: 1984 QA; SN IN NGC 1559; TV Col

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3980
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

1984 QA
     R. S. Dunbar and M. A. Barucci report their discovery of a
fast-moving object from exposures taken with the 0.46-m Palomar
Schmidt telescope by E. F. Helin, S. R. Swanson, Barucci, and
Dunbar, with the following approximate positions available:

          1984 UT            R.A. (1950.0) Decl.   Mag.

          Aug. 30.47952      0 31.5     - 8 35
               31.44447      0 24.2     -10 05     14.5

     G. Testor and B. H. Foing, European Southern Observatory,
report that observations on Aug. 21.3 and 25.3 UT with the 1.5-m
telescope (with spectrograph and image-dissector scanner) showed a
broad emission Fe II band at 466 nm, a dip at 574 nm and an emission
at H alpha, suggesting that the supernova may be of type II (cf.
IAUC 3967).  The supernova is very close to the center of the galaxy;
there is a brighter object in the field 10" west and 20" south
of the galaxy's center.

    A. C. Brinkman and J. Schrijver, Laboratory for Space Research,
Utrecht, on behalf of EXOSAT co-investigators at Amsterdam, Leicester,
and Utrecht, telex: "We have found a periodicity in the x-ray
data (1-7 keV) of the DQ-Her system 2A 0526-328 = TV Col.  The
period is an order of magnitude smaller than the known spectroscopic
and photometric periods of 0.22860 and 0.21631 day.  The analysis
of two EXOSAT Medium Energy Detector data sets of 6 and 7 hr duration,
on 1983 Nov. 26 and 28, respectively, yield a best-fit period
(to the total data set) of 1943 +/- 5 s.  Periods corresponding to
the two side lobes in the chi-square distribution of 1911 and 1975
s cannot be excluded.  In the Low Energy telescope (E < 2 keV), the
source strength was too low to detect the period at a comparable
modulation level.  We urge optical observers to search their data
for these periods."

1984 August 31                 (3980)            Daniel W. E. Green

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