Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4121: 1985n

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4121
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     This comet has been recovered by A. C. Gilmore and P. M.
Kilmartin on exposures with the 0.25-m astrograph at Mount John
University Observatory:

      1985 UT             R.A.   (1950.0)   Decl.       m1

      Oct. 11.39899     19 00 21.27     -28 55 29.0     15
           11.45174     19 00 25.50     -28 55 12.3

The object is diffuse and condensed, and the indicated correction
to the predictions (MPC 8273; Nakano Note No. 456) is Delta-T = -3.5
days.  The following improved elements, by the undersigned, are
from a new orbit solution linking the 1975 and 1985 observations:

          T = 1986 Jan. 16.452 ET    Epoch = 1986 Jan. 10.0 ET
      Peri. =  11.649                    e =   0.77772
      Node  =  25.812   1950.0           a =   5.01336 AU
      Incl. =   5.751                    n =   0.087803
          q =   1.11437 AU               P =  11.23 years

     1985/86 ET  R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     Oct.  2    18 49.66    -29 43.3    1.463    1.809    15.7
          12    19 01.16    -28 52.3
          22    19 16.39    -27 51.8    1.488    1.623    15.0
     Nov.  1    19 35.04    -26 38.1
          11    19 56.84    -25 06.9    1.483    1.448    14.3
          21    20 21.57    -23 13.2
     Dec.  1    20 48.95    -20 52.2    1.447    1.293    13.5
          11    21 18.75    -17 59.7
          21    21 50.77    -14 32.5    1.390    1.177    12.8
          31    22 24.80    -10 30.3
     Jan. 10    23 00.70    - 5 55.5    1.337    1.118    12.4
          20    23 38.34    - 0 55.3
          30     0 17.56    + 4 18.2    1.322    1.131    12.4
     Feb.  9     0 58.17    + 9 29.1
          19     1 39.85    +14 20.1    1.379    1.212    13.0
     Mar.  1     2 22.03    +18 35.5
          11     3 04.04    +22 04.7    1.524    1.344    13.8
          21     3 45.16    +24 43.4
          31     4 24.66    +26 33.0    1.748    1.508    14.9
     Apr. 10     5 02.07    +27 38.6
          20     5 37.10    +28 07.2    2.032    1.688    16.0

1985 October 15                (4121)              Brian G. Marsden

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