Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4161: 1982i

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4161
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     E. P. Ney and A. G. Knutson, University of Minnesota, report
the following infrared magnitudes measured with a 26" diaphragm at
the O'Brien Observatory: 1985 Dec. 12.08 UT, K = 6.8, L = 6.1,
[8.6 micron] = -0.5, N = -1.8, [12.5 micron] = -1.9, [18 micron] = -3.3;
Dec. 14.00, [8.6 micron] = 0.9, N = -0.8, [12.5 micron] = 0.0, [18 micron] =
= -2.8; Dec. 25.05, J = 6.8, K = 7.1, L = 5.2, M = 3.1, [8.6 micron] = -0.5,
N = -1.6, [12.5 micron] = -1.6, [18 micron] = -3.0; 1986 Jan. 1.0, N = -1.4,
[12.5 micron] = -0.9; Jan. 7.9, H = 6.0, K = 6.1, L = 3.9, M = 1.2,
[8.6 micron] = -1.5, N = -2.8, [12.5 micron] = -2.6, [18 micron] = -4.0.
The silicate feature at 10 micron is ~ 0.5 mag above the continuum.

     A. Wooten, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, reports: "R.
Loren, University of Texas, obtained spectra of P/Halley in the
region of the P(2,1) line of protonated water (H3O+) at 307.19241
GHz on Jan. 6 with the 4.9-m telescope of the Millimeter Wave
Observatory at Fort Davis.  No emission was detected, rms(TR*) = 0.85
placing a preliminary upper limit of 5 x 10**-27 s**-1 for the
H3O+ production rate.  Receiver tuning was verified through
observation of CHEOH at 307.16594 GHz in OMC-1."

     S. Koutchmy, Institut d'Astrophysique, Paris; and P. Lamy,
Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale, Marseilles, telex that 100
image-tube spectra (180 A/mm resolution, range 350-700 nm) were
obtained with the Haute Provence Observatory's 0.8-m telescope
during 1985 Dec. 10-15.  CN emission was detected, extending up to
2 deg away from the sun, but no ions were noted until Dec. 12.  From
Dec. 13.8 UT onward the N2+ (0,0) line at 391.4 nm was seen in the
vicinity of the coma and extending in the antisolar direction up
to 2 deg.  Observations with the Marly spectrograph (range 326-526
nm, dispersion 80 A/mm, slit width 50 micron, slit length projection
3'7, IIa-O hypered plates) on the 1.20-m f/6 telescope during 1985
Dec. 2.76-2.98 and 3.72-3.97 UT revealed CN, C2 and C3 (all well
observed); N2+ (0,0) extending over 16"; CO+ (3,0) lines at 400.18
and 402.4 nm extending over 37" and 14", respectively; CO2+ (0,1)
at 367.4 nm was suspected; numerous Fraunhofer absorption lines
(including H and K and several Fe lines) were also noted.  Photographs
(hypered IIIa-J and 2415 emulsions) of the plasma tail with
the 0.62-m f/3.5 and 0.30-m f/2 Schmidt telescopes during Dec. 3-
15 revealed an inner part (extending < 1 deg from the head) whose
orientation oscillated about the antisolar direction with a maximum
deviation of + 5P and a characteristic time of one to two days.

1986 January 16                (4161)              Brian G. Marsden

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