Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 4192: 1986 EB; R CrB

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4192
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

1986 EB
     E. and C. Shoemaker provide the following precise positions of
observations made at Palomar:

           1986 UT             R.A.   (1950.0)   Decl.

           Mar.  4.33247     12 16 51.54     +28 18 20.3
                 5.34444     12 10 11.96     +27 54 39.4
                 8.23229     11 50 52.00     +26 34 54.3
                 8.45425     11 49 19.36     +26 28 02.7
                 9.37899     11 43 05.61     +25 58 26.6
                 9.39444     11 42 59.24     +25 57 55.8

     Orbital elements by C. M. Bardwell, Center for Astrophysics,
based on the above 6 observations, indicate this to be an Aten-
type minor planet:

         T = 1985 Oct. 3.190 ET
     Peri. = 359.406                    e =   0.27918
     Node  = 358.124   1950.0           a =   0.97299 AU
     Incl. =  23.075                    n =   1.026934
         q =   0.70135 AU               P =   0.96 years

     1986 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       V

     Mar. 11    11 32.21    +25 02.5    0.258    1.237    13.3
          13    11 18.99    +23 46.8
          15    11 06.17    +22 24.9    0.260    1.240    13.3
          17    10 53.91    +20 58.4
          19    10 42.32    +19 28.6    0.267    1.243    13.5
          21    10 31.50    +17 57.2
          23    10 21.49    +16 25.4    0.279    1.244    13.7
          25    10 12.31    +14 54.6
          27    10 03.97    +13 25.6    0.294    1.245    13.9
          29     9 56.43    +11 59.2
          31     9 49.68    +10 36.0    0.313    1.244    14.2
     Apr.  2     9 43.66    + 9 16.3

     J. A. Mattei, AAVSO, reports visual magnitude estimates which
indicate that R CrB is again fading: Feb. 17.11 UT, 6.9 (D. Fisher,
Berwick, ON); 27.22, 6.8 (K. Medway, Southampton, England); Mar.
1.1, 7.5 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY); 6.22, 7.4 (Medway).

1986 March 12                  (4192)            Daniel W. E. Green

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