Circular No. 4246 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 NOVA CYGNI 1986 Precise positions have been measured by W. S. Penhallow at Quonochontaug Observatory; and by J. B. Tatum, University of Victoria, from exposures on Aug. 15 and 17 (the latter taken by T. B. Lowe), respectively: R.A. = 19h52m45s89 (by Penhallow; Tatum gives 45s88), Decl. = +35deg34'18"7 (equinox 1950.0). C. Aikman, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, reports that a spectrogram obtained on Aug. 13.25 UT reveals H and He emission lines characteristic of a well-developed nova; H-beta emission extends over ~ 1600 km/s. H. Kosai, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, telexes that Y. Norimoto found very strong H-alpha and H-beta emission on spectra obtained with the Okayama 0.91-m reflector on Aug. 13.59. L. Rosino and T. Iijima, Asiago Astrophysical Observatory, communicate: "Spectra obtained on Aug. 14-16 are characterized by the presence over a strong continuum of wide emission lines of H ( Balmer), Fe II (multiplets 74, 49, 48, 46, 43, 42, 38, 37, 36, 28 and 27), N II, Ca II (H and K), Na I (589.3 nm), Si II, Mg I, and Ti II. Most of the lines have typical saddle-shaped profiles, their total halfwidth being on the order of 630 km/s. P-Cyg absorption features are weak or absent." W. Wenzel, Sonneberg Observatory, reports that 598 patrol plates taken by H. Huth during 1956-1985 show no previous eruptions brighter than mag 13; the amplitude deduced from Palomar Sky Survey stars near the position also suggests that Wakuda's object is a nova. The following photographic magnitude estimates are by Wenzel and B. Fuhrmann at Sonneberg unless otherwise noted: July 1.96 UT, [14.0; 26.11, [13 (C.-Y. Shao, Oak Ridge Observatory, Damon patrol plate); 29.93, 13.5; 30.93, 12.0; Aug. 1.92, 10.6; 1.95, 10.8 (Rosino); 2.93, 9.4; 3.93, 9.4; 4.29, 10.2 (Shao); 5.92, 10.1; 6.93, 10.1; 7.93, 9.5; 8.93, 9.0; 9.12, 9.5 (Shao). R CORONAE BOREALIS D. Bohme, Nessa, East Germany, provides the following photoelectric data: Apr. 13.833 UT, V = 6.19, B-V = +0.68; 14.836, V = 6.18, B-V = +0.63; 29.917, V = 6.12, B-V = +0.63; May 1.907, V = 6.07, B-V = +0.60, U-B = +0.26; 2.938, V = 6.02, B-V = +0.57, U-B = +0.17; 3.917, V = 6.02, B-V = +0.62, U-B = +0.13; 12.896, V = 5.97, B-V = +0.63, U-B = +0.13; 25.925, V = 5.89, B-V = +0.53; 26.908, V = 5.86, B-V = +0.62, U-B = +0.02. 1986 August 19 (4246) Brian G. Marsden
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