Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 4436: 1987 OA

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                                                  Circular No. 4436
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

1987 OA
     A. Maury, Palomar Observatory, reports that Jean Mueller has
discovered a fast-moving asteroidal object in the course of Palomar
Sky Survey II with the 1.2-m Schmidt telescope.  Positions follow:

   1987 UT            R.A. (1950) Decl.        Mag.   Observer
   July 29.24375   19 10 18.0    +12 57 54     18     Mueller
        29.28542   19 10 05.5    +12 58 45              "
        31.19792   19 01 18.53   +13 35 37.0   18.2     "
        31.22569   19 01 10.30   +13 36 08.7            "
   Aug.  5.35139   18 33 11.49   +15 11 18.2            "
         5.36875   18 33 04.97   +15 11 36.8            "
        14.20417   17 26 58.6    +17 20 34              "
        14.22014   17 26 50.3    +17 20 42              "
        17.23215   16 58 08.07   +17 42 52.9   17.0   Gehrels
        17.24161   16 58 02.24   +17 42 55.0            "
        17.25435   16 57 54.39   +17 42 57.9            "

J. Mueller, J. Phinney and W. McKinley (Palomar).  At the very
   corner of the July 29 plate.  Semiaccurate positions by A. Maury
   and J. Mueller.  Precise measurements by S. Singer-Brewster.
T. Gehrels (Kitt Peak).  SPACEWATCH camera.  Measurer J. Scotti.
   Magnitude visual.

     Orbital elements from observations July 31-Aug. 17:
           T = 1987 Oct. 14.88 ET
           W = 235.31                    e =   0.5844
           O = 179.67   1950.0           a =   1.4713 AU
           i =   8.89                    n =   0.55229
           q =   0.6115 AU               P =   1.78 years

     1987 ET      R.A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r       V
     Aug. 17    17 00.50    +17 42.0    0.178    1.069    17.0
          19    16 39.85    +17 47.9
          21    16 17.87    +17 44.5    0.166    1.029    17.2
          23    15 54.73    +17 30.6
          25    15 30.69    +17 05.5    0.159    0.988    17.6
          27    15 06.08    +16 28.9
          29    14 41.30    +15 41.6    0.158    0.947    18.3
          31    14 16.78    +14 45.1
     Sept. 2    13 52.91    +13 41.4    0.164    0.906    19.5

1987 August 18                 (4436)              Brian G. Marsden

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