Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4479: 1987z; 1987u

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4479
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     The following positions have been reported:

  1987 UT             R. A.  (1950)  Decl.       m1     Observer
  Oct. 18.33524     1 08 07.99    + 8 48 07.4    15     Shoemaker
       19.48020     1 07 26.79    + 8 42 26.3               "
       20.28055     1 06 58.33    + 8 38 27.8               "
       21.35399     1 06 20.14    + 8 33 07.7               "
       22.14264     1 05 52.64    + 8 29 12.8           Shao
       22.25362     1 05 48.69    + 8 28 39.9            "
       23.20573     1 05 15.47    + 8 23 58.4           McCrosky

E. and C. Shoemaker and H. Holt (Palomar).  0.46-m Schmidt
   telescope. Comet strong condensed with a small coma.
C.-Y. Shao and R. E. McCrosky (Oak Ridge Observatory).  1.55-m
  reflector. Measured by Shao.  Image nearly stellar.

     The following orbit elements by the undersigned, from the
above observations, indicate that this is a short-period comet:

         T     = 1988 Mar. 23.137 ET
         Peri. = 197.117                    e =   0.27503
         Node  = 214.041   1950.0           a =   4.33805 AU
         i     =   4.282                    n =   0.109084
         q     =   3.14494 AU               P =   9.04 years

     1987 ET      R.A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r       m1
     Oct. 12     1 11.96    + 9 19.5    2.253    3.250    14.9
          22     1 05.96    + 8 30.0
     Nov.  1     1 00.50    + 7 42.3    2.279    3.227    14.9
          11     0 56.22    + 7 01.2
          21     0 53.55    + 6 30.2    2.410    3.206    15.0
     Dec.  1     0 52.77    + 6 11.6
          11     0 53.97    + 6 06.2    2.619    3.188    15.1

     Total visual magnitude estimates:  Sept. 26.42 UT, 7.8 (J.
Kobayashi, Kumamoto, Japan, 0.31-m reflector); 28.75, 8.0 (M.
Antal, Hurbanovo, Czechoslovakia, 25x100 binoculars); Oct. 12.83,
6.5 (Kobayashi, 25x125 binoculars); 16.49, 7.6 (A. Hale, Las
Cruces, NM, 10x50 binoculars; 10' tail in pa 305 deg in 0.20-m refl.).

1987 October 26                (4479)            Daniel W. E. Green

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