Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4550: 1988c; 1987b1; 1987A

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4550
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     The following additional positions have been reported:

     1988 UT           R. A.  (1950)  Decl.        Observer
     Feb. 18.32153    10 26 07.7    +37 35 57      Mueller
          18.37708    10 25 58.3    +37 39 19        "
          19.24076    10 23 31.70   +38 35 02.9    McCrosky

J. Mueller, J. Phinney, and N. Reid (Palomar).  1.2-m Oschin
   Schmidt telescope.  Beginning and end of trail; semiaccurate
   positions measured by A. Maury.  Coma diameter about 1'; very
   diffuse, with some condensation.  Short tail fanned to the south.
R. E. McCrosky (Oak Ridge Observatory).  Measured by C.-Y. Shao.

     Preliminary parabolic orbital elements by B. G. Marsden,
Center for Astrophysics, from 5 observations, Feb. 16-19:

        T = 1987 Dec. 28.93 ET      Peri. = 348.10
                                    Node  = 146.86   1950.0
        q =   1.9436 AU             i     =  93.34

     1988 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r       m1
     Feb.  9    10 49.88    +26 33.2    1.065    2.011    17.2
          14    10 37.79    +32 40.3
          19    10 24.22    +38 19.6    1.115    2.046    17.3
          24    10 09.53    +43 18.7
          29     9 54.23    +47 31.6    1.234    2.087    17.7
     Mar.  5     9 38.90    +50 58.3
          10     9 24.15    +53 42.7    1.401    2.134    18.0

     Total visual magnitude estimates (B = binoculars):  Jan. 26.53
UT, 6.6 (A. Hale, Las Cruces, NM, 10x50 B; 35' tail in p.a. 320 deg);
31.19, 6.8 (P. Valisa, Varese, Italy, 10x50 B); Feb. 2.26, 8.0 (A.
Pereira, Linda-A-Velha, Portugal, 0.15-m reflector); 9.77, 8.0 (R.
Haver, Rome, Italy, 15x80 B); 14.53, 8.2 (Hale).

     Visual magnitude estimates by A. C. Beresford, Adelaide, South
Australia:  Feb. 13.52 UT, 6.8; 15.48, 6.8; 18.47, 7.0; 19.54, 6.9.

1988 February 20               (4550)            Daniel W. E. Green

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