Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4642: 1988 PA

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4642
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

1988 PA
     The following asteroidal object with direct motion was discovered
by J. Alu (under the direction of E. Helin) on films taken with the
0.46-m Schmidt telescope at Palomar:

     1988 UT             R.A. (1950) Decl.        B     Observer
     Aug.  9.32014   20 28 14.72   - 1 34 43.0   16.0   Alu
           9.34028   20 28 15.90   - 1 35 12.2            "
          10.28906   20 29 28.97   - 2 01 55.5   16.0     "
          11.19358   20 30 39.69   - 2 27 27.6   16.8     "
          11.21493   20 30 41.25   - 2 28 05.1            "
          12.21736   20 31 59.18   - 2 56 26.4            "
          12.23785   20 32 00.50   - 2 57 01.7            "
          16.26060   20 37 19.56   - 4 50 43.2          Shao
          16.28420   20 37 21.17   - 4 51 21.6            "

J. Alu, B. Roman, C. Mikolajczak, E. Majkowski and R. Coker (Palomar).
C.-Y. Shao and F. Tong (Oak Ridge Observatory).  1.5-m reflector.
   Clouds at end of second exposure.

     Orbital elements from the above observations:

     T = 1988 July 19.84 ET           Peri. = 135.29
     e = 0.3610                       Node  = 162.75    1950.0
     q = 1.2515 AU                    Incl. =   7.42
       a =  1.9587 AU      n = 0.35955      P =   2.74 years

     1988 ET      R.A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r       V
     Aug.  7    20 25.33    - 0 29.9    0.260    1.263    15.8
          12    20 31.69    - 2 50.0
          17    20 38.35    - 5 11.0    0.277    1.278    16.0
          22    20 45.35    - 7 26.9
          27    20 52.68    - 9 32.8    0.306    1.299    16.3
     Sept. 1    21 00.29    -11 25.2
           6    21 08.16    -13 02.2    0.348    1.326    16.7
          11    21 16.25    -14 22.5
          16    21 24.56    -15 26.1    0.403    1.358    17.2

1988 August 16                 (4642)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 4641  SEARCH Read IAUC 4643

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