Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4669: N LMC 1988 No. 2; 1988j

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4669
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     R. Gonzalez-Riestra and A. Cassatella, IUE Observatory, ESA,
Vilspa, write:  "We report ultraviolet observations of Nova LMC 1988
No. 2 obtained with the International Ultraviolet Explorer on Oct.
14.6 and 21.8 UT, when the Fine-Error Sensor magnitudes were 10.8 and
12.4, respectively.  On Oct. 14.6, the spectrum from 110 to 320 nm
was characterized by a cool continuum with several emission lines
superimposed.  The strongest lines at 263.6, 290.0, and 300.6 nm
showed marked P-Cyg structures denoting large expansion velocities.
On Oct. 21.8 the flux from 130 to 180 nm was six times larger, while
in the range 250-300 nm only increased by a factor of 1.6.  On Oct.
21.8, the short-wavelength spectrum was dominated by strong and broad
emission lines such as C III (117.5 nm), O I (130.5 nm), C II (133.5
nm), Fe II(191) (179.0 nm), and Al III (186.4 nm), while at longer
wavelengths the strongest features were due to Fe II and Mg II.  The
Mg II doublet around 280.0 nm had a FWHM of 4.0 nm and a complex
structure, with two emission peaks separated by 1.7 nm.  Compared with
Nova LMC 1988 No. 1 (cf. IAUC 4588 and earlier), Nova LMC 1988 No. 2
shows a faster development both in the optical and in the ultraviolet,
and has larger expansion velocities.  The ultraviolet spectra also
suggest large differences in the chemical composition of the ejecta.
It is important to monitor the object in detail to see if it evolves
as a neon nova."

     No confirmed observations of this comet have been reported
since before perihelion (cf. IAUC 4658).  A photograph taken Oct.
13.14 UT by R. E. Royer, Wrightwood, CA (0.46-m reflector,
panchromatic plate) shows clear star images to mag 16 but no definite
image of the comet within about 15' of the prediction.  P. Wehinger,
Arizona State University, writes:  "S. Wyckoff and S. Tegler
obtained CCD images (2' x 2' field) at the predicted position of
comet 1988j on Oct. 13.1 using the Steward Observatory 2.3-m
Cassegrain reflector.  The comet was not detected and they conclude
that it must be fainter than roughly mag R = 20 (Mould R filter,
600-700 nm), based on two 5-minute integrations."  J. Gibson reports
that CCD images obtained at Palomar with the 1.5-m reflector (Gunn r
filter, 8'.2 x 8'.2 fields) on Oct. 21.1 and 22.1 show no candidate
brighter than mag about 19-20.

1988 October 28                (4669)             Daniel W. E. Green

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