Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 5187: 1991g; 1991f

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5187
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     Robert H. McNaught, University of Adelaide, reports his
discovery of a comet on a U.K. Schmidt Telescope plate taken by
Kenneth S. Russell.  The object is moderately condensed with a 1'
tail in p.a. 185 deg.  The confirmation on Feb. 13 is by McNaught
with the Uppsala Southern Schmidt.

     1991 UT             R.A. (1950) Decl.        m1
     Feb. 12.66106   11 09 35.31   -22 53 42.8   16.5
          12.70273   11 09 33.08   -22 53 15.7
          13.62034   11 08 41.87   -22 43 05.1

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1991 UT             R.A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Feb.  9.45590   12 09 18.15   + 2 30 56.6   17     Shoemaker
          11.27244   12 08 47.67   + 2 42 27.5            "
          12.74356   12 08 18.31   + 2 52 13.2   17     McNaught
          12.76840   12 08 17.74   + 2 52 16.1   16.5   Seki
          12.77951   12 08 17.55   + 2 52 21.5            "
          13.63558   12 07 59.54   + 2 58 12.8          McNaught

C. S. Shoemaker, E. M. Shoemaker, and D. H. Levy (Palomar).
  Measured by Levy; reduced by K. Lawler.
R. H. McNaught (Siding Spring).  Uppsala Southern Schmidt telescope.
T. Seki (Geisei).  Communicated by S. Nakano.

     Preliminary parabolic orbital elements from the above

     T = 1990 Oct.  8.420 ET          Peri. = 312.435
                                      Node  = 146.434   1950.0
     q = 1.61325 AU                   Incl. =   6.594

     1991 ET      R.A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r       m1
     Feb. 13    12 08.22    + 2 53.9    1.457    2.318    16.5
          18    12 06.16    + 3 28.6
          23    12 03.58    + 4 05.4    1.480    2.407    16.7
          28    12 00.60    + 4 43.1
     Mar.  5    11 57.34    + 5 20.8    1.526    2.498    16.9
          10    11 53.94    + 5 57.3
          15    11 50.52    + 6 31.8    1.599    2.590    17.2
          20    11 47.21    + 7 03.4
          25    11 44.11    + 7 31.4    1.699    2.684    17.4

1991 February 13               (5187)             Daniel W. E. Green

Read IAUC 5186  SEARCH Read IAUC 5188

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