Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits


The following International Astronomical Union Circular may be linked-to from your own Web pages, but must not otherwise be redistributed (see these notes on the conditions under which circulars are made available on our WWW site).

Read IAUC 5209  SEARCH Read IAUC 5211
IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5210
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     Ephemeris from the elements on IAUC 5209:

     1991 ET      R.A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r       m1
     Mar.  5    14 17.31    +13 30.7    1.123    1.923    17.0
          15    14 15.30    +12 29.0
          25    14 08.89    +11 04.6    0.951    1.875    16.5
     Apr.  4    13 58.42    + 9 07.8
          14    13 44.89    + 6 32.7    0.857    1.841    16.1
          24    13 30.19    + 3 20.8
     May   4    13 16.56    - 0 17.6    0.860    1.822    16.1
          14    13 05.80    - 4 07.3
          24    12 59.08    - 7 55.5    0.957    1.819    16.3
     June  3    12 56.69    -11 34.2
          13    12 58.42    -15 00.1    1.121    1.832    16.7
          23    13 03.89    -18 13.1
     July  3    13 12.59    -21 14.0    1.325    1.861    17.2
          13    13 24.08    -24 03.9
          23    13 38.02    -26 43.6    1.552    1.904    17.6

     J.-H. Zhao, D. A. Roberts, W. M. Goss, and D. A. Frail, National
Radio Astronomy Observatory; K. Y. Lo, University of Illinois;
and R. D. Ekers, Australia Telescope National Facility report:  "We
have discovered a transient radio source in Sgr A West, located
16".79 east and 31".29 south of Sgr A* (offset from Sgr A* by 35".5
at p.a. = 151.8 deg, CCW).  Using the most accurate position known
for Sgr A*, the transient source is at R.A. = 17h42m30s.597 +/-
0s.005, Decl. = -28 59'49".68 +/- 0".08 (equinox 1950.0).  The radio
source was first detected on 1990 Dec. 28 during an ongoing VLA program
to monitor Sgr A*.  It reached its peak flux density of 231 mJy
at 8.4 GHz on 1991 Jan. 20.  The source has an average spectral
index, alpha, between 8.4 and 22 GHz of -0.9 (S(nu) = nu**alpha).
This source is not associated with the transient source reported by
Davies et al. (1976, Nature 261, 476).  The following list provides
the dates and radio flux densities (in mJy) for 8.4 GHz, 15 GHz, and
22 GHz:  1990 Dec. 11, < 5, < 5, < 7; Dec. 28, 87, 48, 39; 1991 Jan.
20, 231, 143, 99; Feb. 4, -, 55, 37; Feb. 15, -, -, 57; Feb. 19,
184, -, -; Feb. 27, -, 85, 33."

1991 March 16                  (5210)             Daniel W. E. Green

Read IAUC 5209  SEARCH Read IAUC 5211

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