Circular No. 5272 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN DEBEHOGNE'S OBJECT IN LIBRA M. Della Valle and P. Padovani, European Southern Observatory; and P. Rafanelli, Padova Observatory, communicate: "Analysis of CCD spectra obtained at La Silla on Mar. 21 UT with the ESO/Max-Planck- Institut 2.2-m telescope (+ Boller and Chivens spectrograph, range 380-930 nm, resolution 2 nm) and on Mar. 21.3 with the ESO 1.52-m telescope (range 460-750 nm, resolution 0.9 nm) reveal that the object discovered by Debehogne (IAUC 5131) is a galaxy, definitely not a dwarf nova. The only lines present in the spectrum are H-alpha, [N II] (654.8, 658.3 nm), and [S II] (671.6, 673.1 nm), and they show an instrumental profile (FWHM = 0.9 nm). No trace of either H-beta or [O III] is detectable. All lines are redshifted, and their displacement corresponds to z = 0.0365. The line ratio log ([N II]/H-alpha) = -0.50 indicates that the gas is ionized by a thermal source, as it should be in typical H II regions. On the other hand, the ratio log ([S II]/H-alpha) = -0.30 is too high for thermal ionization. The lack of any trace of [O III] at 495.9 and 500.7 nm supports the idea that this object may be an H II-region galaxy." M. Di Martino, Torino Observatory, reports photometric observations obtained on 1990 Sept. 18 with the ESO 1-m telescope at La Silla: V = 15.5, B-V = +0.63, U-B = -0.47. 1991 JY Extension to the ephemeris on IAUC 5269: 1991 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r V May 24 14 12.38 -27 10.4 0.139 1.140 12.6 26 13 41.67 -31 40.4 28 13 15.89 -34 50.9 0.177 1.152 13.5 30 12 54.62 -37 05.0 June 1 12 37.21 -38 40.9 0.222 1.163 14.2 3 12 22.97 -39 51.0 5 12 11.32 -40 43.7 0.271 1.174 14.8 7 12 01.76 -41 24.5 9 11 53.91 -41 57.1 0.322 1.183 15.3 11 11 47.45 -42 24.0 13 11 42.13 -42 47.0 0.373 1.192 15.7 1991 May 23 (5272) Daniel W. E. Green
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