Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 5521: 1992U; NGC 5548; 1991l

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5521
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     M. M. Phillips, Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, reports
that a spectrogram of SN 1992U (cf. IAUC 5499) obtained with
the CTIO 4.0-m telescope on May 12.33 UT shows broad H-beta and H-
alpha emission lines with P-Cyg profiles, indicating that this is a
type-II event.  The supernova is imbedded in an H II region whose
narrow emission lines yield a redshift of z = 0.011.

NGC 5548
     T. Iijima, Asiago Astrophysical Observatory, reports: "Spectra
of the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy NGC 5548 (range 400-700 nm, resolution
0.2 nm) taken on May 11 and 12 with the Mt. Ekar 1.82-m reflector
show that the broad emission component of hydrogen Balmer lines,
which were clearly visible on the spectra taken in and earlier than
1992 Feb., nearly disappeared.  The nucleus of this galaxy has
probably entered a new stage of lowest activity."

     Ephemeris from orbital elements on MPC 19654:

1992 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong. Phase      m1
May  18     2 05.39    - 3 33.5    2.984    2.204   32.9   14.4     12.4
     28     2 09.61    - 1 07.8    2.991    2.297   39.2   16.2     12.5
June  7     2 12.81    + 1 06.7    2.976    2.391   46.4   17.9     12.6
     17     2 14.79    + 3 12.0    2.941    2.487   54.2   19.4     12.7
     27     2 15.30    + 5 09.5    2.888    2.584   62.6   20.5     12.8
July  7     2 14.05    + 7 00.4    2.821    2.681   71.7   21.1     12.8
     17     2 10.71    + 8 45.1    2.745    2.780   81.3   21.2     12.9
     27     2 04.94    +10 23.9    2.664    2.878   91.6   20.7     12.9
Aug.  6     1 56.40    +11 55.8    2.586    2.977  102.6   19.4     12.9
     16     1 44.92    +13 18.9    2.517    3.075  114.3   17.5     12.9
     26     1 30.49    +14 30.3    2.465    3.174  126.7   14.8     13.0
Sept. 5     1 13.47    +15 26.5    2.440    3.273  139.5   11.5     13.0
     15     0 54.69    +16 04.6    2.449    3.371  152.1    8.0     13.1
     25     0 35.28    +16 23.4    2.497    3.469  163.2    4.8     13.2
Oct.  5     0 16.57    +16 24.9    2.587    3.567  166.5    3.8     13.4
     15    23 59.71    +16 13.6    2.718    3.665  158.7    5.7     13.6
     25    23 45.46    +15 55.4    2.886    3.762  147.4    8.2     13.8

1992 May 15                    (5521)            Daniel W. E. Green

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