Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 5702: GRB 930131; 1991a1

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                                                  Circular No. 5702
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

GRB 930131
     J. Ryan, M. Kippen, and M. Varendorff, University of New
Hampshire, report on behalf of the Compton Telescope (COMPTEL)/Compton
Observatory Team:  "The COMPTEL team has imaged a gamma-ray burst
at energies > 0.72 MeV that took place on Jan. 31.78971 UT.  This
event was recorded by the BATSE experiment and was noted as being
one of the most intense bursts yet observed by BATSE.  The burst
exhibited two short peaks in intensity, spanning a period of just
over 1 s.  The COMPTEL analysis (which incorporated a total of 41
events) has resulted in a 1-sigma source location error box whose
corners are located at the following positions (equinox J2000.0):
R.A. = 12h13m.0, Decl. = -7 33'; 12h23m.0, -7 37'; 12h22m.6,
-10 26'; 12h12m.6, -10 19'.  This error box is roughly 3 deg on a
side and is centered at R.A. = 12h17m.8, Decl. = -8 59'.  We are
soliciting collaborators to observe the region with large field-of-
view or rastering instruments in an effort to identify a counterpart
at other wavelengths.  The effort is being coordinated by B.
McNamara at New Mexico State University (bmcnamar@nmsu.edu;
telephone 505-646-2614) and J. Ryan (jryan@unh.edu; 603-862-3510)."

     No observations of this comet since last August have been
reported. The following ephemeris is from orbital elements on MPC

1993 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase    m1
Jan. 13     9 58.1    -70 07.5   2.715   2.809   85.1   20.4   14.2
     23     8 57.1    -70 27.7   2.762   2.929   89.9   19.6   14.4
Feb.  2     8 00.70   -68 59.5   2.827   3.049   93.4   18.8   14.6
     12     7 18.12   -66 09.4   2.912   3.167   95.7   18.1   14.8
     22     6 49.96   -62 33.8   3.018   3.283   96.7   17.4   15.1
Mar.  4     6 32.95   -58 41.5   3.145   3.399   96.2   16.9   15.3
     14     6 23.69   -54 51.4   3.289   3.512   94.7   16.4   15.5
     24     6 19.70   -51 14.6   3.448   3.625   92.2   16.0   15.8
Apr.  3     6 19.34   -47 57.0   3.619   3.737   89.0   15.5   16.0
     13     6 21.49   -45 01.8   3.797   3.847   85.3   15.1   16.2
     23     6 25.40   -42 29.7   3.981   3.956   81.3   14.6   16.5
May   3     6 30.56   -40 20.7   4.166   4.064   77.2   14.0   16.7
     13     6 36.57   -38 33.8   4.349   4.171   73.2   13.4   16.9

1993 February 2                (5702)            Daniel W. E. Green

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