Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 5797: 1993 KA

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5797
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

1993 KA
     D. L. Rabinowitz reports a fast-moving object, found with the 0.9-m
Spacewatch telescope, Kitt Peak.  The May 19 observer was T. Gehrels:

     1993 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.         V
     May  17.16914   12 02 57.75   - 1 41 45.4   17.7
          17.17582   12 03 23.30   - 1 37 59.4
          17.19061   12 04 19.91   - 1 29 41.0
          17.25053   12 08 12.40   - 0 55 44.8
          17.27700   12 09 57.45   - 0 40 37.1
          17.30400   12 11 45.92   - 0 25 05.8
          17.31011   12 12 10.72   - 0 21 37.3
          17.31762   12 12 41.51   - 0 17 17.0
          18.15494   13 17 11.10   + 7 57 24.4   17.1
          18.16212   13 17 41.41   + 8 01 35.1   17.1
          18.18188   13 19 04.36   + 8 13 05.1   17.1
          18.35970   13 31 34.29   + 9 52 47.5   17.1
          19.19753   14 33 46.74   +16 40 31.2   17.5
          19.38936   14 45 17.82   +17 53 33.5   17.4

     Orbital elements from the above, perturbations included.  Minimum
earth distance, 0.0071 AU on May 17.9.  Absolute magnitude H about 26:

                    Epoch = 1993 May 23.0 TT
     T = 1993 Apr. 29.8788 TT         Peri. = 341.6072
     e = 0.198701                     Node  = 236.0585  2000.0
     q = 1.007130 AU                  Incl. =   6.0979
       a =  1.256872 AU    n = 0.6994676    P =   1.409 years

1993 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong. Phase      V
May  19.0  14 19.68    +15 22.0    0.0076   1.018  139.3   40.4     17.0
     19.5  14 53.07    +18 38.2    0.0082   1.018  139.4   40.3     17.2
     20.0  15 22.48    +21 07.0    0.0089   1.019  138.5   41.2     17.4
     20.5  15 47.79    +22 56.1    0.0098   1.019  137.0   42.6     17.7
     21.0  16 09.31    +24 14.7    0.011    1.020  135.4   44.2     17.9
     21.5  16 27.53    +25 10.9    0.012    1.020  133.8   45.7     18.1
     22.0  16 42.96    +25 51.0    0.013    1.021  132.4   47.1     18.4
     22.5  16 56.09    +26 19.7    0.014    1.022  131.1   48.3     18.6
     23.0  17 07.33    +26 40.1    0.015    1.022  130.0   49.4     18.8
     23.5  17 17.00    +26 54.6    0.016    1.023  129.0   50.2     19.0
     24.0  17 25.39    +27 04.8    0.017    1.024  128.2   51.0     19.2

1993 May 19                    (5797)              Brian G. Marsden

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