Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 5825: 1993 MO; 1993S

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5825
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

1993 MO
     Ephemeris from the orbital elements on IAUC 5824:

1993 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase    V
June 22    17 12.34   +17 59.2   0.323   1.271  136.8   33.2   15.5
     24    17 10.19   +16 03.6   0.318   1.270  137.8   32.5   15.4
     26    17 08.13   +14 00.5   0.313   1.269  138.7   31.9   15.3
     28    17 06.16   +11 50.1   0.309   1.268  139.6   31.3   15.3
     30    17 04.33   + 9 33.2   0.306   1.267  140.3   30.8   15.3
July  2    17 02.64   + 7 10.4   0.303   1.266  140.8   30.5   15.2
      4    17 01.11   + 4 42.5   0.302   1.266  141.2   30.2   15.2
      6    16 59.75   + 2 10.6   0.301   1.266  141.4   30.1   15.2
      8    16 58.59   - 0 24.4   0.301   1.266  141.3   30.1   15.2
     10    16 57.64   - 3 01.2   0.302   1.266  141.1   30.3   15.2
     12    16 56.91   - 5 38.7   0.304   1.266  140.6   30.7   15.2
     14    16 56.41   - 8 15.8   0.306   1.266  139.9   31.2   15.3
     16    16 56.16   -10 51.3   0.310   1.267  139.0   31.8   15.3
     18    16 56.17   -13 24.3   0.314   1.267  138.0   32.5   15.4
     20    16 56.44   -15 53.7   0.320   1.268  136.8   33.3   15.4
     22    16 56.99   -18 18.8   0.326   1.269  135.6   34.1   15.5
     24    16 57.82   -20 39.0   0.333   1.270  134.2   35.0   15.6
     26    16 58.94   -22 53.8   0.340   1.272  132.8   35.8   15.6
     28    17 00.34   -25 02.8   0.349   1.273  131.4   36.7   15.7
     30    17 02.02   -27 05.8   0.358   1.275  130.0   37.6   15.8
Aug.  1    17 03.99   -29 02.6   0.367   1.277  128.6   38.4   15.9

     M. Della Valle and E. Cappellaro, European Southern Observatory,
report:  "A low-resolution spectrogram (range 400-840 nm, resolution
about 2 nm) was obtained on June 28.3 UT with the New Technology
Telescope (+ EMMI) at La Silla.  The spectrum is dominated by strong
H-alpha emission with a P-Cyg profile, characteristic of type-II
supernovae.  The expansion velocity derived from the difference
between the rest wavelength in the galaxy's frame and the minimum of
the P-Cyg absorption is about 9000 km/s."

1993 June 28                   (5825)            Daniel W. E. Green

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