Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 5833: A0535+26; 1993a

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5833
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     R. B. Wilson, M. H. Finger, L. Gibby, and G. J. Fishman report
for the BATSE/Compton GRO Observatory team:  "Hard x-ray pulses in
the energy range about 20-120 keV are currently being detected from
A0535+26.  The present outburst was first detected on July 8.  The
pulsed flux increased slightly from then until July 13, and has
remained approximately constant through July 17.  The spectrum of the
phase averaged pulsed flux on July 13 is adequately fit by a power
law, having spectral index -2.3 +/- 0.5, with a flux of 5.7 +/- 1.1
x 10E-5 photon cmE-2 sE-1 keVE-1 at 50 keV.  The pulse shape is
very broad, with a sharp dip occupying about 0.2 in phase.  The
pulse period on July 17 was 103.377 +/- 0.005 s, corrected to the
solar system barycenter.  A reanalysis of earlier BATSE data shows
that the source was also detected at weaker levels during Feb. 28-
Mar. 26 (just prior to the optical activity reported from its
companion HDE 245770 by Bartolini et al. on IAUC 5746) and June 20-27.
Additional observations at optical and other wavelengths are

     Ephemeris from orbital elements on MPC 22383:

1993 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase    m1
July 12     7 21.85   +56 27.9   3.705   2.924   34.5   11.4   12.0
     22     7 32.41   +57 21.5   3.579   2.842   37.6   12.6   11.8
Aug.  1     7 43.99   +58 31.9   3.431   2.761   42.0   14.2   11.6
     11     7 56.75   +60 02.5   3.262   2.682   47.4   16.2   11.4
     21     8 11.05   +61 57.7   3.075   2.605   53.6   18.2   11.1
     31     8 27.51   +64 23.5   2.874   2.529   60.2   20.3   10.8
Sept.10     8 47.58   +67 26.8   2.665   2.457   67.2   22.2   10.5
     20     9 14.6    +71 15.3   2.453   2.387   74.4   23.9   10.2
     30     9 57.9    +75 52.4   2.247   2.320   81.5   25.3    9.9
Oct. 10    11 33.0    +80 50.4   2.057   2.257   88.1   26.2    9.6
     20    15 28.4    +82 32.4   1.897   2.198   93.7   26.9    9.3
     30    18 25.9    +76 25.1   1.781   2.144   97.1   27.4    9.1
Nov.  9    19 33.08   +66 52.4   1.720   2.095   97.6   27.9    8.9
     19    20 08.17   +56 29.2   1.722   2.052   94.5   28.7    8.8
     29    20 31.82   +46 30.2   1.783   2.015   88.5   29.3    8.8

1993 July 23                   (5833)            Daniel W. E. Green

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