Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 5995: CCO 1994; 1993p

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5995
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     A new edition--the ninth--of the Catalogue of Cometary Orbits
is now available.  The 103 pages contain orbital elements (in the
J2000.0 system) for 1417 cometary apparitions through April 1994.
The price, postage included, is $20.00 ($30.00 by airmail outside
North America).  The main part of the catalogue and the table of
'original' and 'future' 1/a values for the 298 long-period orbits
of the highest quality can be supplied by e-mail for $50.00; they
are also available on an MS-DOS diskette (5.25-inch or 3.5-inch)
for $110.00 ($120.00 for airmail delivery), this including a
facility for extracting individual orbits and computing ephemerides.
Checks should be made out to 'Central Bureau for Astronomical
Telegrams' and mailed to the postal address given above;
subscribers to these Circulars can have their accounts debited by
the appropriate amount.

     Ephemeris extension from orbital elements on MPC 23106:

1994 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase    m1
May  28     9 11.18   -23 28.0   1.118   1.430   84.1   44.8   12.8
June  2     9 33.39   -18 55.8   1.224   1.489   82.8   42.5   13.2
      7     9 51.75   -15 07.1   1.342   1.548   80.8   40.3   13.5
     12    10 07.29   -11 57.3   1.467   1.608   78.4   38.2   13.9
     17    10 20.73   - 9 20.7   1.599   1.669   75.7   36.1   14.2
     22    10 32.58   - 7 11.5   1.733   1.730   72.8   34.1   14.6
     27    10 43.22   - 5 24.6   1.870   1.792   69.7   32.1   14.9
July  2    10 52.90   - 3 56.1   2.007   1.854   66.5   30.2   15.2
      7    11 01.85   - 2 42.5   2.145   1.915   63.2   28.3   15.5
     12    11 10.19   - 1 41.3   2.280   1.977   59.9   26.4   15.8
     17    11 18.05   - 0 50.3   2.415   2.039   56.5   24.6   16.0

     P. Camilleri, Cobram, Victoria, Australia, reports that by May
11 the comet's condensation was no longer visible in his 0.20-m
reflector, the comet looking like a nebulous streak some 1' x 3' in
size and similar to the ill-fated comet Bradfield 1992 XIII in late
May 1992.  Camilleri's total visual magnitude estimates indicate
that the comet is much fainter than expected:  May 5.42 UT, 10.0;
11.38, 11.0; 12.38, 11.2.

1994 May 25                    (5995)            Daniel W. E. Green

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