Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 6225: C/1995 O1; C/1995 Q1

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6225
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

     J. Davies and T. Geballe, Joint Astronomy Centre, Hilo; D.
Cruikshank, NASA Ames Research Center; T. Owen, Institute for
Astronomy, University of Hawaii; and C. de Bergh, Observatoire de
Paris, Meudon, report the detection with the U.K. Infrared
Telescope during Sept. 4-9 UT of a shallow absorption feature
centered at about 2.04 microns in the spectrum of this comet.  The
feature has a width of 0.2 micron and a depth of about 8 percent
and is tentatively attributed to water ice.  No other spectral
features were detected in the wavelength range 1.0-2.5 microns.  An
upper limit of 10E-16 W/m**2 was determined (in an aperture of size
1".2 x 4".8, east-west by north-south) for the 3.3- to 3.5-micron
cometary emission feature.

     Ephemeris from orbital elements on MPC 25623:

1995 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase    m1
Sept.20    11 12.31   +14 30.1   1.562   0.656   15.8   24.6    7.1
     25    11 11.34   +17 45.1   1.561   0.745   22.7   31.3    7.7
     30    11 10.71   +20 55.0   1.547   0.836   29.5   36.1    8.2
Oct.  5    11 10.30   +24 05.2   1.522   0.928   36.2   39.6    8.6
     10    11 09.98   +27 20.9   1.490   1.019   43.0   41.9    8.9
     15    11 09.59   +30 46.5   1.451   1.110   49.8   43.3    9.3
     20    11 08.93   +34 26.7   1.410   1.199   56.7   44.0    9.5
     25    11 07.77   +38 25.3   1.366   1.287   63.8   43.9    9.8
     30    11 05.75   +42 45.9   1.323   1.374   71.1   43.2   10.0
Nov.  4    11 02.37   +47 30.7   1.284   1.459   78.6   41.8   10.2
      9    10 56.84   +52 40.2   1.250   1.542   86.2   39.9   10.4
     14    10 47.80   +58 11.7   1.225   1.624   93.8   37.4   10.5
     19    10 32.69   +63 57.9   1.210   1.705  101.3   34.6   10.7
     24    10 06.32   +69 44.0   1.209   1.785  108.3   31.7   10.9
     29     9 17.5    +75 00.8   1.224   1.864  114.5   28.8   11.1
Dec.  4     7 46.5    +78 47.8   1.255   1.941  119.5   26.2   11.4
      9     5 36.8    +79 32.1   1.303   2.017  123.1   24.1   11.6
     14     3 53.9    +77 10.4   1.367   2.093  124.9   22.7   11.9
     19     2 57.5    +73 27.5   1.446   2.167  125.1   21.8   12.2
     24     2 27.69   +69 31.5   1.538   2.240  123.8   21.4   12.4
     29     2 11.30   +65 48.3   1.642   2.313  121.4   21.3   12.7

1995 September 11              (6225)            Daniel W. E. Green

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