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IAUC 6254: 1995ak; NGC 3786

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                                                  Circular No. 6254
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
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SUPERNOVA 1995ak IN IC 1844
     C. Pollas, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (OCA), reports his
discovery, on a Tech Pan film taken with the OCA Schmidt telescope
on Oct. 27.06 UT, of a supernova (V about 16.4) at R.A. =
2h45m48s.83, Decl. = +3o13'50".1 (equinox 2000.0, which is 8".5
west and 1".0 north of the center of IC 1844 (and situated to the
south of a large, diffuse and complex blue area of the host galaxy).
A nearby star (V about 16.0) has position end figures 53s.34,
14'36".2.  SN 1995ak does not appear on the original Palomar Sky
Survey prints, and no star is seen at this position on an OCA film
obtained in 1992.
     E. Cappellaro and M. Turatto, Osservatorio di Asiago, report
their observations of SN 1995ak obtained on Oct. 31.0 UT with the
1.8-m telescope (+ Boller & Chivens spectrograph + CCD):  "A
preliminary reduction of the spectrum shows prominent Si II and S
II lines measured at 628.5, 578.9, 559.5, and 542.4 nm on a
relatively blue continuum.  Once the spectrum is corrected for the
redshift of the parent galaxy (z = 0.023), as deduced from the
strong narrow H-alpha + [N II] emission line superimposed on the
supernova spectrum, we note a close resemblance to spectra of SN
1994D at maximum (Patat et al., MNRAS, in press), confirming that
the candidate is a type-Ia supernova at maximum.  The expansion
velocity of the photosphere measured from the minimum of the Si II
absorption is 9980 km/s."

NGC 3786
     B. Nelson, Department of Astronomy, University of California
at Los Angeles (UCLA), writes:  "NGC 3786 (= Mrk 744 = Arp 294 =
UGC 6621 = VV 228b), a relatively unknown Seyfert galaxy, has
recently undergone a major outburst at both optical and infrared
wavelengths, as observed with the UCLA 0.61-m telescope.  Beginning
roughly in 1994 Dec., the optical outburst lasted until 1995 June,
with a peak V flux in April that was 30 percent brighter than pre-
and post-outburst observations.  In the infrared at K' (2.1
microns), a similar, longer-lived outburst was observed, with a 40-
percent increase in brightness, and a peak occurring roughly a
month after that at V.  We are interested in finding other
observations of this galaxy at any wavelength, especially covering
the time period from 1994 to date.  Please direct all
correspondence to nelson@eggneb.astro.ucla.edu."

1995 October 31                (6254)            Daniel W. E. Green

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