Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 6279: 1995 Y1; 122P

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6279
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

COMET 1995 Y1
     H. Sato, National Astronomical Observatory, Tokyo; and S.
Nakano, Sumoto, Japan, report the visual discovery by Yuji
Hyakutake of a comet.  The following positions are available:

     1995 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Dec. 25.861     14 17 42      -24 50.7      10.5   Hyakutake
          26.82698   14 21 15.71   -24 41 43.4   11     Kojima
          26.82871   14 21 16.01   -24 41 43.4            "
          26.83044   14 21 16.36   -24 41 41.9            "
          26.83125   14 21 16.78   -24 41 40.2   10.5   Kushida
          26.83403   14 21 17.36   -24 41 39.9            "
          26.83681   14 21 17.99   -24 41 36.6            "
          26.83830   14 21 18.21   -24 41 36.6          Kojima

Y. Hyakutake (Hayato, Aira-gun, Kagoshima-ken).  25x150 binoculars.
  Comet diffuse; coma diameter 3'.5.  Comet observed in twilight.
T. Kojima (YGCO Chiyoda Observatory).  0.25-m f/6.0 reflector + CCD.
  The comet has strong central condensation, with a coma extending
  toward the northwest.  Communicated by Nakano.
Y. Kushida (Yatsugatake South Base Observatory).  0.40-m f/4.1
  reflector + CCD.  Communicated by Nakano.

     Ephemeris extension to IAUC 6247, from elements on MPC 25932:

1995/96     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase    m1
Dec. 29    17 45.65   +18 00.5   2.247   1.663   42.7   23.6   13.1
Jan.  8    18 00.17   +17 17.9   2.384   1.804   43.6   22.1   13.7
     18    18 12.45   +16 58.2   2.498   1.942   45.6   21.2   14.3
     28    18 22.72   +16 58.5   2.589   2.077   48.8   20.9   14.8
Feb.  7    18 31.07   +17 15.9   2.657   2.210   53.0   20.9   15.3
     17    18 37.52   +17 47.9   2.705   2.340   58.2   21.0   15.7
     27    18 41.97   +18 32.3   2.733   2.467   64.2   21.2   16.1
Mar.  8    18 44.28   +19 26.6   2.744   2.593   70.8   21.2   16.4
     18    18 44.30   +20 27.9   2.742   2.716   78.0   21.0   16.7
     28    18 41.82   +21 32.8   2.732   2.837   85.7   20.5   17.0
Apr.  7    18 36.70   +22 36.9   2.717   2.956   93.7   19.7   17.2

1995 December 26               (6279)            Daniel W. E. Green

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