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IAUC 6283: N Cas 1995; 45P

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6283
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

     J. J. Johnson, K. S. Bjorkman, and B. L. Babler, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, report:  "CCD spectropolarimetry (range 320-
1050 nm, resolution 0.5 nm) of N Cas 1995 (cf. IAUC 6213) was
obtained on Dec. 16 and 22 with the University of Wisconsin's PBO
0.91-m telescope.  The spectra obtained on Dec. 16 show strong H-
alpha and H-beta emission, as well as a very strong Balmer
absorption jump.  In addition, there is a depression in the flux
near 430 nm that is believed to be due to overlapping absorption by
iron lines.  The Ca II infrared triplet is strongly in emission,
while Ca H and K are strongly in absorption.  The Paschen series is
in absorption, except for Pa-delta, which possibly shows a P-Cyg
profile.  The polarization is constant with wavelength at 1.5
percent but has changed from previous measurements of N Cas 1995
obtained at PBO, indicating an intrinsic component to the observed
polarization.  The observations on Dec. 22 were obtained in the
midst of the rapid fading of N Cas 1995.  The spectra show H-alpha
through H-delta in emission, and the Paschen lines from Pa-delta
upwards are likewise in emission.  The Na D absorption line is
partially filled in with emission from He I at 587.6 nm.  The Balmer
absorption jump is very shallow, and the depression due to Fe II at
430 nm seen in the Dec. 16 spectrum is no longer present.  The
continuum has flattened compared to the Dec. 16 observation.  The
nova appears to be entering the transition to the nebular phase of
its evolution.  No lines of O I are seen in either spectrum."
     Visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 6275): 1995 Dec. 19.18 UT,
7.0 (A. Hale, Cloudcroft, NM); 19.75, 7.1 (L. Kiss, Szeged, Hungary);
20.11, 7.1 (R. Fidrich, Budapest, Hungary); 20.73, 7.4 (S. Baroni,
Milan, Italy); 21.70 8.4 (Fidrich); 23.12, 8.1 (C. E. Spratt,
Victoria, BC); 24.78, 8.4 (J. Van Der Looy, Balen, Belgium); 26.92,
8.7 (M. V. Zanotta, Laino, Italy); 28.09, 9.1 (Fidrich); 29.84, 8.9
(E. Broens, Mol, Belgium); 1996 Jan. 1.78, 8.8 (R. Goncalves, Oeiras,

     Total visual magnitude estimates:  1995 Dec. 15.06 UT, 8.7 (A.
Hale, Cloudcroft, NM, 10x50 binoculars); 16.10, 8.4 (C. S. Morris,
Whitaker Peak, CA, 0.26-m reflector); 21.05, 7.6 (R. Keen, Mt.
Thorodin, CO, 0.15-m reflector; 3' coma); 24.10, 6.6 (C. E. Spratt,
Victoria, BC, 0.20-m reflector); 26.08, 6.4 (Spratt, 0.10-m
refractor); 28.09, 6.8 (Morris, 20x80 binoculars).

                      (C) Copyright 1996 CBAT
1996 January 3                 (6283)            Daniel W. E. Green

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