Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 6453: N Sgr 1996; C/1996 E1

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6453
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

     P. Martini, B. S. Gaudi, and R. M. Wagner, Ohio State
University, report:  "Observations were obtained in the near-
infrared at the Perkins 1.8-m Telescope (+ OSIRIS) on Aug. 6.27 and
8.23 UT.  On Aug. 6.27, K = 8.6 and J-K = +0.2 with internal
(photometric) errors of 0.1 mag.  As this object was bright enough
for the central pixel in each passband to enter the nonlinear
region of the array, these measurements should only be considered
lower limits on the object's brightness.  A K-band spectrum (range
2080-2280 nm, resolution 1.6 nm) obtained on Aug. 8.23 revealed
broad Brackett-gamma emission (FWHM = 12 nm, EW = 36 nm), as well
as Fe II 2089-nm and Na I 2208-nm emission lines."
     G. Sostero, S. Korica, K. Miocic, V. Rodiger, and V. Ujcic
report the following photometry (accuracy +/- 0.05 magnitude) of N
Sgr 1996 obtained with the 0.4-m telescope of the Visnjan
Astronomical Observatory, using as a primary reference star the
nearby star as measured by Gilmore and Kilmartin (IAUC 6443):  Aug.
9.924 UT, V = 11.78, B-V = +1.00, V-R = +0.86, V-I = +1.64; 10.877,
12.04, +0.99, +0.85, +1.65; 12.855, 12.06, +0.93, +0.82, +1.61;
13.917, 11.97, +1.00, +0.80, +1.59; 14.937, 11.97, +0.98, +0.79,
     D. W. Dunham, Applied Physics Group, Johns Hopkins University;
and M. Soma, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, report
that N Sgr 1996 is currently in a pattern of occultations by the
moon that will continue through 1997.  The next two occultation
events are predicted to occur on Aug. 24 (regions bordering the
Indian Ocean) and Sept. 21 (South America).  Further information is
available on the World Wide Web at
http://www.sky.net/~robinson/iotandx.htm.  There is no known record
of the moon's previously having been seen to occult a nova.

COMET C/1996 E1 (NEAT)
     Total visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 6437):  July 23.45
UT, 11.6 (A. Hale, Cloudcroft, NM, 0.2-m reflector); 27.05, 11.2
(K. Sarneczky, Raktanya, Hungary, 0.44-m reflector); Aug. 4.91,
11.3 (R. J. Bouma, Groningen, The Netherlands, 0.25-m reflector);
8.26, 11.5 (C. E. Spratt, Victoria, BC, 0.20-m reflector); 10.00,
11.1 (G. Bakos, Raktanya, Hungary, 0.44-m reflector); 12.10, 10.7
(J. Carvajal, Teruel, Spain, 0.21-m reflector).

                      (C) Copyright 1996 CBAT
1996 August 17                 (6453)            Daniel W. E. Green

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